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<kuid2:656225:101117:1> MRL DDA40X 5001

Тип: traincar
Опубликовано: 26.08.2024 17:35:38
Скачиваний: 5
Размер: 756.8 kB


This is a fictional reskin of the DDA40X (or DD40X) in the colors of Montana Rail Link and works as part of a helper pair of idenitical engines (numbers 5000 and 5001).

Original meshes and textures courtesy of Roger Crouch (prjindigo)


dda40xundecorated_body / blackblack.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / deckplate.texture.txt 32 B
dda40xundecorated_body / blackblack.texture.txt 33 B
dda40xundecorated_body / dda40xundecorated.texture.txt 40 B
dda40xundecorated_body / droprail.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / droprail.texture.txt 31 B
dda40xundecorated_body / env_glass-env_glass.texture.txt 53 B
dda40xundecorated_body / env_metal.texture.txt 32 B
dda40xundecorated_body / fanbladecolor.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / env_metal.bmp 12.1 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / fanbody.texture.txt 30 B
dda40xundecorated_body / fanbladecolor.texture.txt 36 B
dda40xundecorated_body / fanbody.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / deckplate.tga 48.5 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / env_glass.bmp 12.1 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / numberlight.texture.txt 34 B
dda40xundecorated_body / numberreflect.texture.txt 36 B
dda40xundecorated_body / numberlight.tga 6.5 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / numberfront-numbertrans.texture.txt 57 B
dda40xundecorated_body / reflectstrip1b.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / numberfront.tga 8.0 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / reflectstrip1b.texture.txt 37 B
dda40xundecorated_body / reflectstrip1f-reflectstrip1t.texture.txt 63 B
dda40xundecorated_body / sideplates.texture.txt 33 B
dda40xundecorated_body / numberreflect.bmp 6.1 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / numbertrans.tga 8.0 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / reflectstrip1f.tga 274 B
dda40xundecorated_body / sideplates.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / silvermetal.texture.txt 34 B
dda40xundecorated_body / spinlightbacklight.texture.txt 41 B
dda40xundecorated_body / spinlightbacklight.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / spinlightfront-spinlight_glass.texture.txt 63 B
dda40xundecorated_body / spinlightfront.tga 1.0 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / tankmetal.texture.txt 32 B
dda40xundecorated_body / upgrey.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / upgrey.texture.txt 29 B
dda40xundecorated_body / upgrey_dirty.texture.txt 35 B
dda40xundecorated_body / upyellow.tga 210 B
dda40xundecorated_body / upyellow.texture.txt 31 B
dda40xundecorated_body / window-dark-window-dark.texture.txt 57 B
dda40xundecorated_body / silvermetal.tga 12.5 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / tankmetal.tga 12.5 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / window-dark.tga 8.0 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / upgrey_dirty.tga 12.5 kB
dda40xundecorated_body / dda40xundecorated_body.im 1.0 MB
dda40xundecorated_body / dda40xundecorated.tga 1.5 MB
dda40xundecorated_body / shadow.im 956.8 kB
$screenshot$.jpg 38.4 kB
icon.tga 32.0 kB
Общий объём файлов: 3.6 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:656225:101117:1> traincar MRL DDA40X 5001 3.5 26.08.2024 17:35:38 756.8 kB
<kuid:656225:101117> traincar MRL DDA40X 5001 3.5 14.07.2020 9:01:38 756.8 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-1:101475> #-1 interior Gen_sd 0 1.12.2022 0:13:45 2.0 MB
<kuid:-1:42003001> #-1 enginesound alco 0 24.04.2023 23:39:42 4.4 MB
<kuid:58377:51100> #58377 engine DDA40X 1.3 19.04.2023 19:11:29 7.3 kB
<kuid2:82412:53003:1> #82412 enginesound Diesel-Sound-001 2 12.06.2020 23:26:27 4.5 MB
<kuid2:86105:51001:1> #86105 bogey DDA40X Dark Bogey 2.7 17.07.2020 9:04:10 126.0 kB
<kuid2:86105:51002:1> #86105 bogey DDA40X Dark Bogey 2 2.7 17.07.2020 19:24:34 127.1 kB
<kuid:656225:102043> #656225 hornsound Awesome Trains VHS horn (Alco RS3) 3.6 12.07.2020 22:39:42 1.6 MB
Всего связей: 7, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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