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<kuid2:645812:5031:1> Rail plough (aka Schienenwolfe)

Тип: traincar
Опубликовано: 16.07.2020 16:37:44
Скачиваний: 17
Размер: 346.7 kB


During World War II, the Germans designed the so called 'Schienenwölfe' (in English called a 'rail plough'), a vehicle which could destroy tracks with the use of a hook. The idea was to delay the Allied forces by destroying the railway infrastructure.
This asset is based on one that was left behind by the Germans in Rotterdam Feyenoord.

Note that these vehicles were always at the end of a train (as it would obviously be very painfull to have them do their thing in the middle), so they were not designed to have a coupler at the hook-end.

Length: 4.5m.
Poly count lod0: 7960
Poly count lod1: 2734
Poly count lod2: 394


schienenwolf.lm.txt 317 B
schienenwolf_green.jpg 122.3 kB
schienenwolf_lod1.im 174.2 kB
schienenwolf_shadow.im 19.0 kB
vehicle_icon.jpg 1.4 kB
vehicle_thumb.jpg 14.0 kB
schienenwolf_lod0.im 532.0 kB
schienenwolf_green.texture.txt 41 B
schienenwolf_lod2.im 28.6 kB
Общий объём файлов: 891.9 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:645812:5031:2> traincar Rail plough (aka Schienenwolfe) 4.3 1.09.2023 2:51:56 341.4 kB
<kuid2:645812:5031:1> traincar Rail plough (aka Schienenwolfe) 3.6 16.07.2020 16:37:44 346.7 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-10:149> #-10 bogey Тележка_невидимая 0 18.04.2023 0:03:42 1.4 kB
<kuid:-1:42004201> #-1 engine Типовой вагон 0 1.03.2023 22:53:14 2.4 kB
Всего связей: 2, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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