This asset represents part of the 'HSL south' (high Speed Line between Amsterdam and Paris) at Galder junction.
At Galder junction (found just south of Breda), highway A58 (E312) meets highway A16 (E19) and at the same spot the highspeed train track switch to the other side of the E19. Since the road was there before they created the track, they digged a ditch under junction to fit in the tracks.
Technical details: 520m length, 2 track, 5m apart, 1.5 grade over 400m, 6.1m minimum clearance, north-south orientation.
Asset update only to fix warning and reflection. For a more serious ditch / trench with a lot more options, search the DLS for my 'trench' assets set.
Known (trainz) bug: When used near the edge of a baseboard, the dighole works only partially. To solve this, use the asset 'Dighole 120m north - south' for when 'trainz just does not dig it' for you.