The D2 Class(later named the K1 Class under the GSR) No.49 was built at Broadstone in 1925. The D2 Classes were ordered from Woolwich Arsenal as Kits that were based on Southern Railway's N Class but unlike their British Cousins they had no need for smoke deflecters. Designed by Maunsell for the Midland and Great Western Railway and were assembled at the M&GWR Works at Broadstone, Dublin in 1925 but then most of the railways became one in 1925, known as The Great Southern Railway in 1925, the rest of D2 Classes were later assembled by the GSR at Broadstone naming them the K1 Class. This makes No.49 the last ever Engine to be built by the M&GWR and the last Class of engines to be built at Broadstone. A Reskin of Jayhollands K Class. A Reskin of Jayhollands K Class. Interchangeable headlamp codes - see readme.txt for instructions.
“This Locomotive uses one or more twinkles effects and custom textures created by Rob Hill (LieLestoSbrat) of Lesto Route Works and UK Branch Lines.” Scripts by Paul Hobbs and Rob Hill. Cab controls adapted with the kind permission of Skipper1945. Enginespec by 2995Valliant. Crew by Skipper1945. Thanks to chrisaw for advice and beta-testing, and to all who have contributed help and advice, and apologies to anyone whom I may have inadvertently failed to cite in these acknowledgements.