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<kuid2:448495:1063:1> SJ A 1011

Тип: traincar
Опубликовано: 12.01.2021 19:16:43
Скачиваний: 53
Размер: 5.7 MB


During the period 1906-1909 a total of 26 A locomotives (SJnr 1000-1025) was built with 2B1 axles (Atlantic type) for being inserted into express trains on the existing main railway paths such as Stockholm-Gothenburg and Stockholm-Malmo. During the evaluation period the speed of the A locomotive was measured to 137.5 km / hour. In addition only one A locomotive was needed, compared to 2 Cc locomotives , to drive 12 bogie wagons plus a 2-axle trailer. The A locomotive came up at 105 km / hour during this test.
As A locomotives were delivered they were stationed in Stockholm (7), Gothenburg (7), Nassjo (6) and Malmo (6).
However, it soon became apparent that despite the high speed the A locomotives had difficulties to start the heavy express train and soon type B locomotives were built and a little bit later also type F locomotives were delivered. This led to the A locomotives increasingly turned to ordinary passenger train service. In 1928 they played a minor role with traffic on railway lines such as Mjolby-Hallsberg-Krylbo, Gothenburg-Halmstad and Falkoping-Nassjo.
Of the original 26 built Atlantic locomotives, 8 were re-built to 2C axles . The other 18 were scrapped between 1935-1939, except A1001 that can be seen in Gävle railwaymuseum. The modeled loco A1011 was the last Atlantic locomotive in service, specifically in Östersund.

Locomotive functions in SurveyorMode:
(Ställa av loket)= Disconnecting the locomotive from startup. No driver, no smoke etc.
plows on/off for front side
(Röd lampa) Red light front side

Some features in the Driver Mode assume you have started and stopped the engine at least once before
you can activate them, such as:
(Ställa av loket) = Disconnecting/Connecting the locomotive in Driver mode. No driver, no smoke, no sound etc.
Activate injector outlet
Activating cylinder outlet Lots of smoke from cylinders when starting up the loco.
Sotare = increase air in the smoke box when loco is stopped. Effected after some stop time.
Elda mer = More coal to the firebox

Under perioden 1906-1909 byggdes sammanlagt 26 stycken A lok (SJnr 1000-1025) med hjulföljden 2B1(Atlantic typ) för att sättas in i snälltåg på de befintliga stambane näten såsom Stockholm-Göteborg och Stockholm-Malmö. Under utvärderingstiden så kom man upp i hela 137,5 km/timmen och dessutom så behövdes bara ett A lok i jämförelse med 2 Cc lok för att framföra 12 boggie vagnar + en 2-axlig vagn. A loket kom upp i 105 km/timmen under denna test.
Allt eftersom A loken levererades så stationerades de i Stockholm (7), Göteborg(7), Nässjö(6) och Malmö (6).
Dock blev det snart uppenbart att trots hög fart så hade A loken svårt att starta tyngre snälltåg och samtidigt så byggdes B loket och lite senare även F loket. Detta ledde till att A loken mer och mer övergick till persontågs tjänst. År 1928 spelade de en undanskymd roll med trafik på bl.a linjerna Mjölby-Hallsberg-Krylbo, Göteborg-Halmstad och Falköping-Nässjö.
Av ursprungliga byggda 26 Atlantic lok så byggdes 8 om till axelföljd 2C. De övriga 18 skrotades mellan 1935-1939 utom A1001 som nu finns bevarat på järnvägsmuséet i Gävle. Det modellerade A1011 blev det sista Atlantic loket i tjänst, närmare bestämt i Östersund.


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working files  
Общий объём файлов: 15.4 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:448495:1063:1> traincar SJ A 1011 3.1 12.01.2021 19:16:43 5.7 MB

kuid author kind name build date size
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<kuid2:448495:50507:3> #448495 interior SJ Tenderlok_Interior 3.1 24.07.2020 19:26:59 8.9 MB
Всего связей: 13, неизвестных связей: 1

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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