Four axle driving bogey with 63 inch drivers with a 16 ft 9 in wheelbase. Equipped with Laird crossheads and Walscharets valve gear. This is an update of the original Ben Neal item of the same name. The original author retains all copyrights to the meshes and textures used in this item. My thanks to Ben for his truly great locomotives!
XYZ coordinates for selected parts:
Center of wheelbase: 0 in, 0 in, 0 in
Axle 1: 0 in, - 100.377 in, 31.5 in
Axle 2: 0 in, - 33.67 in, 31.5 in
Axle 3 (main): 0 in, 33.785 in, 31.5 in
Axle 4: 0 in, 100.646 in, 31.5 in
Expansion links: (+ or -) 55.5 in, - 50 in, 57.5 in
Piston stroke: (+ or -) 42.75 in, - 148 in to - 182.75 in, 31.75 in
Crosshead guide (minimum): (+ or -) 42.75 in, -64.25 in to -108 in, 41.5 in