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<kuid2:439337:101060:3> Mill_Creek_Shaft_Head_Mod2

Тип: scenery
Опубликовано: 14.07.2020 8:59:45
Скачиваний: 31
Размер: 327.1 kB


This is a static mine shaft head building that is designed to be used with other industrial or mine buildings. Height adjustable. This comes from the original Mill_Creek_Coal by Ben Dorsey (AKA bendorsey). My thanks to Ben for generously allowing me to do this and his great content item!


black.bmp 246 B
black.texture.txt 28 B
concrete1.jpg 17.8 kB
concrete1.texture.txt 32 B
concrete6.jpg 22.5 kB
concrete6.texture.txt 32 B
door36.jpg 28.0 kB
door36.texture.txt 29 B
metal22.jpg 27.7 kB
metal22.texture.txt 30 B
metal5.jpg 18.8 kB
metal5.texture.txt 29 B
mill creek coal.jpg 13.4 kB
part_1.im 243.6 kB
preview.jpg 36.2 kB
tarpaper.jpg 12.2 kB
tarpaper.texture.txt 31 B
window9.bmp 96.1 kB
window9.texture.txt 30 B
wood2.jpg 23.2 kB
wood2.texture.txt 28 B
Общий объём файлов: 540.1 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:439337:101060:3> scenery Mill_Creek_Shaft_Head_Mod2 3.3 14.07.2020 8:59:45 327.1 kB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:839484:100617:42> #839484 map Columbia Western 5 5.06.2024 19:56:08 32.1 MB


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