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<kuid2:439337:100485:2> Sugar Bag Pallet

Тип: product
Опубликовано: 12.06.2020 19:29:08
Скачиваний: 297
Размер: 89.1 kB


Sugar Bag Product on pallet. A visible product. This is a re-skin of the Flour Bag Pallet originally done by John_SB. My thanks to John_SB for his fine work!


cbag1 / flour1.texture.txt 29 B
cbag1 / pallet.texture.txt 29 B
cbag1 / cbag1.im 37.4 kB
cbag1 / pallet.tga 48.0 kB
cbag1 / flour1.tga 48.0 kB
cbag2 / flour2.texture.txt 29 B
cbag2 / pallet.texture.txt 29 B
cbag2 / cbag2.im 37.4 kB
cbag2 / pallet.tga 48.0 kB
cbag2 / flour2.tga 48.0 kB
icon.texture.txt 27 B
preview.jpg 12.2 kB
icon.tga 12.0 kB
Общий объём файлов: 291.2 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:439337:100485:2> product Sugar Bag Pallet 3.7 12.06.2020 19:29:08 89.1 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-3:10042> #-3 product-category Container 0 25.06.2020 16:55:55 413 B
Всего связей: 1, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:32711:100378:1> #32711 library CC&LE CMTMSystem3 3.2 24.07.2020 19:36:46 70.7 kB
<kuid2:72938:11007:2> #72938 traincar M: 36FT Pabst Malt Syrup (Sway) 2.9 2.08.2020 9:41:55 2.8 MB
<kuid2:72938:11008:3> #72938 traincar M: 36FT Clicquot Club Ginger Ale (Sway) 2.9 12.07.2020 20:52:36 4.3 MB
<kuid2:72938:11012:3> #72938 traincar M: 36FT Nickle Plate Lackawana (Sway) 2.9 12.01.2021 19:21:33 2.9 MB
<kuid2:72938:110022:2> #72938 traincar M: 36FT C&NW USRA Double Sheathed Car (Sway) 2.9 23.01.2021 12:34:33 4.2 MB
<kuid2:72938:110024:2> #72938 traincar M: 36FT Wabash USRA Single Sheathed Car (Sway) 2.9 20.10.2021 1:33:09 3.2 MB
<kuid2:439337:100483:3> #439337 industry BI2 Bakery 4.6 12.06.2020 19:32:18 125.7 kB
<kuid2:439337:100490:2> #439337 industry BI2 Pickle 4.6 12.06.2020 19:20:43 126.3 kB
<kuid:439337:101491> #439337 industry SAP_Harris_Commercial_Bakery_Large 3.3 12.01.2021 18:46:14 1.4 MB
<kuid2:439337:102147:5> #439337 map Progressive Rail Jesse James Line - TRS19 4.7 26.01.2024 22:19:43 1.2 MB
<kuid:439337:105613> #439337 industry SAP_BI3_Pickles 4.6 7.06.2020 16:01:37 170.5 kB
<kuid2:439337:105613:1> #439337 industry SAP_BI3_Pickles 4.7 22.09.2023 18:37:36 170.6 kB
<kuid:439337:105645> #439337 industry SAP_BI3_Bakery 4.6 22.09.2023 18:37:42 246.2 kB
<kuid2:439337:105645:1> #439337 industry SAP_BI3_Bakery 4.7 22.09.2023 18:37:36 246.4 kB
<kuid:439337:105653> #439337 industry SAP_BI3_Brewery 4.6 7.06.2020 16:01:46 170.9 kB
<kuid2:439337:105653:1> #439337 industry SAP_BI3_Brewery 4.7 22.09.2023 18:37:36 171.0 kB
<kuid:439337:109861> #439337 industry SAP_Bakery_Commercial_Large_PBR 4.7 7.06.2024 18:59:39 155.5 MB
<kuid:439337:110150> #439337 industry SAP_Canning_Company_1_PBR 4.7 7.06.2024 19:01:08 54.7 MB
<kuid:439337:110187> #439337 industry SAP_Brewery_1_PBR 4.7 7.06.2024 19:02:22 118.2 MB
<kuid:602570:2897> #602570 industry PL Sweeties 3.5 17.07.2020 9:18:19 14.3 kB
<kuid:622685:100225> #622685 map Eagle: Argentina Mini Concept 5.4 7.06.2024 18:52:51 9.5 MB
<kuid:622685:100535> #622685 map Inselbahn 5.4 31.05.2024 20:16:39 2.9 MB
<kuid2:633834:101087:2> #633834 industry BI2 Sugar Industry 2.9 17.07.2020 9:53:14 21.2 kB
<kuid2:633834:101094:1> #633834 industry BI2 Sugar Industry Short 2.9 20.06.2020 23:04:02 21.2 kB


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