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<kuid:412702:101850> R.C. Pound Electricians Bedford 'K' Van 1939 Traffic

Тип: scenery
Опубликовано: 16.07.2020 11:28:34
Скачиваний: 28
Размер: 4.7 MB


Jay's model of a Bedford 'K' type van, 1939, in R.C. Pound Electricians livery for the Dearnby and District route, traffic version. Scripted numberplates. See 'readme'txt' for signwriting instructions. High detail high polycount model. Thanks to Boat for his assistance with the scripting for the numberplates, Jay for his cars and lorries, and sterrett for the road conversion.


bkamb-bkambopa.texture.txt 48 B
bkamb.texture.txt 28 B
black.texture.txt 28 B
black.tga 3.0 kB
bwheel.texture.txt 29 B
darkgrey.texture.txt 31 B
env.texture.txt 26 B
darkgrey.tga 3.0 kB
nboard.gs 1.1 kB
redleather.texture.txt 33 B
readme.txt 1.7 kB
seat.texture.txt 27 B
smoked-smokedopa.texture.txt 50 B
smoked.tga 4.0 kB
seat.tga 8.0 kB
smokedopa.tga 4.0 kB
tread.texture.txt 28 B
tread.tga 16.0 kB
bwheel.tga 12.0 kB
$screenshot$.jpg 8.5 kB
env.bmp 48.1 kB
vansign.texture.txt 30 B
redleather.tga 64.0 kB
bkvans.jpg 44.4 kB
bkambopa.tga 768.0 kB
bkvan.im 394.5 kB
bkvansig.im 386.5 kB
vansign.tga 128.0 kB
bkamb.tga 768.0 kB
bedford.wav 4.2 MB
Общий объём файлов: 6.8 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:412702:101850> scenery R.C. Pound Electricians Bedford 'K' Van 1939 Traffic 3.7 16.07.2020 11:28:34 4.7 MB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:497137:101143:1> #497137 region UK Western Region c1956-66 for Dearnby 4.3 16.07.2020 11:28:54 20.3 kB


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