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<kuid:381430:1174> SR Canopy Spline

Тип: Мост
Опубликовано: 24.06.2020 11:38:31
Скачиваний: 93
Размер: 109.1 kB


Clone of an original LBSCR model by kemplen, re-skinned, with his kind permission, to SR colour scheme by jayholland. Updated to TRS2006. Also works in TRS2009. This building forms part of a range of scenery items which is based on the Wealden style buildings of the LBSCR, similar to those still in use on the Bluebell Railway in Kent, England. They were designed by the architect Terence H. Myers and built in the late 1880's, his underlying basic design was easily modified to fit each platform layout, by positioning the component parts in a suitable order to suit the Station needs. Trainz Route Builders can employ this principle to build up there own varied Stations using all, or some, of the range of scenery items available.Suggested spline height 4.


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lbscr_canopy_spline_start / paintwork_mid.tga 48.0 kB
lbscr_canopy_spline_start / roof1.texture.txt 28 B
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paintwork.tga 48.0 kB
paintwork_dark.texture.txt 37 B
paintwork_dark.tga 48.0 kB
paintwork_mid.texture.txt 36 B
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Общий объём файлов: 893.0 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:381430:1174> bridge SR Canopy Spline 2.9 24.06.2020 11:38:31 109.1 kB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:351596:101570:1> #351596 map GCR22 V4 5.4 27.08.2024 19:06:10 70.1 MB


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