The Oldes Train on the DPR built in 1890 and ran form Green Hill to West pass as a srives train lacking in power and speed the loco V1 was replased with V2. This loco ran for 50 years taken on maney rolls. and even seen the name DPR on her side. Arount 1960 the age cout up with the unit and she was put into retirmet. Abanden The V2s were scrapped and srives ended in 1962 The last train ran form Dragon City to Eathen. then was put on despay at Eather as a reminder of the olden days. The unit was lift in party working order. The train V2 # 34 remains as The olny working steam of this age. avery summer The train will make a short ran as a turst train to Blue cove and back. olny in good wather.
( I was not able to fix the cab or weels wen driveing in cab but the smoke is changed and the unit now is working in cab aswell as ajustments to speed and smoke ).