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<kuid2:375451:100138:2> DCI Dinner Car

Тип: traincar
Опубликовано: 14.07.2020 8:57:34
Скачиваний: 28
Размер: 326.9 kB


DPR Dinner Car is used on the Commuter Train as a light lunch & sirves car Thats only open durning meal times and to passengers who are onbord for long trips for more the 30mins. The car srives also on the Express train as a extrea dinning car wend all orther cars are in use wend the cars not in use its tranported to the West Pass Mine as a lunch car on the weekends giveing the workers a hot meal and place to sit down to eat.
DPR Dinner Car This car was taken over by DCI ( Dragon Coastal International )wich has taken over all DPR passengers servers
This is Freewere, repaint with out permission, frist you must pm me with your ideas and also add the folloing to your description: Original meshes & textures courtesy of dragonharh Original Skin done by hert thank you.


body / dinner.im 142.1 kB
body / main.bmp 3.0 MB
body / main.texture.txt 27 B
body / windows-windows.texture.txt 49 B
body / windows.bmp 768.1 kB
image.bmp 126.6 kB
night / night-night.texture.txt 45 B
night / night.im 5.5 kB
night / night.tga 1.0 MB
shadow / black.bmp 3.0 MB
shadow / black.texture.txt 28 B
shadow / shadow.im 5.3 kB
Общий объём файлов: 8.0 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:375451:100138:2> traincar DCI Dinner Car 3.4 14.07.2020 8:57:34 326.9 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-1:42004201> #-1 engine Типовой вагон 0 1.03.2023 22:53:14 2.4 kB
<kuid2:58377:50053:2> #58377 bogey “rev-1 36x76 inch North American roller bearing trucks (bogies)” 3 16.07.2020 16:37:18 215.0 kB
<kuid2:177792:551:2> #177792 interior Camera View Interior 2 16.07.2020 12:47:01 9.8 kB
<kuid:375451:100143> #375451 bogey DPR Culper Fornt 3.4 14.07.2020 14:23:30 266.5 kB
<kuid:375451:100145> #375451 bogey DPR Culper Tail 3.4 17.07.2020 8:49:29 266.5 kB
Всего связей: 5, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:375451:100023> #375451 profile DPR - Rockwell Bound Fraght 3.7 25.07.2023 22:10:10 558.6 kB
<kuid:375451:100414> #375451 profile The Brack Down Train - Broken Plow 3.7 26.07.2023 23:19:09 239.5 kB


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