A group of levers that control points and signals. The lever design is based on those in ground frames in use by Tasmanian Government Railways in the early to mid 20th century. The level model was supplied by Michael Gitsham (trainz89).
The Edit Properties browser allows the user to select the type of each lever. Lever types include 'not in use'(white), 'signal'(red), point(black), point lock(blue) and frame lock(blue).
The lever is normally operated by a safe-working officer (SWO) avatar (see the 'SWO Controller Rule' kuid:96148:94051). When the relevant avatar is active in the yard in which this lever frame is placed, AI drivers cannot control the signals and points operated from the frame.
A naming convention must be followed to associate the frame and the location supervised by the avatar. If the avatar is named '<location code>_<sequence>' then the frame is named '<location code>_FRA_<frameID>'.
An example of a valid name of this asset is 'CNJ_FRA_04', where the asset is the 4th frame at location CNJ.