A lower-quadrant, manually-operated, semaphore signal with 2 dolls mounted on a platform cantilevered to the left from a 22ft post. The sempaphore spectacles are illuminated at night by oil lamps.
The semaphore arms are: 1) Home Main, closest to the post; 2) Home Main to Left-diverging Loop or Branch, to the left of the Home Main.
Each semaphore has a rear blind that exposes a clear rear lens on the oil lamp when the semaphore is 'on' (STOP position) and obscures it when 'off'. By observing the status of the lamp light from the rear lens, a signalman may discern at night whether the lamp is still alight and, if alight, whether the semaphore responds to its operating lever.
For correct automatic operation the signal must be used with directional feathers to uniquely identify the 2 possible paths indicated by each semaphore. Use <kuid2:60850:23901:4> 'Sig T Feather Straight' to mark the path of the Main semaphore; and <kuid2:60850:23911:4> 'Sig T Feather Left 1 (pos 1)' to mark the path of the Loop or Branch semaphore.
The distance (metres) between this signal and an approaching train beyond which the signal is held at STOP can be set by the user in the Properties editor. The deefault approach distance is 1000m, and available values are 500,1000,2000,4000 and 8000.