A lower-quadrant, manually-operated, semaphore signal with 2 vertically-aligned arms mounted on a 19ft post.
The semaphore arms from top to bottom are: 1) Shunt Ahead, diverging left onto track with same direction as the shunt movement; 2) Set Back straight ahead against the normal direction of the track.
Each semaphore has a rod linkage to an operating-detection relay switch mounted underneath it. This was used to toggle a lamp mounted in line with the signal-box lever which operated the respective semaphore. Such detection circuits were used when sighting a signal from the signal box was not possible.
For correct automatic operation the signal must be used with directional feathers to uniquely identify the 2 possible paths indicated by each semaphore. Use <kuid2:60850:23911:4> 'Sig T Feather Left 1 (pos 1)' to mark the path of the upper semaphore; and <kuid2:60850:23901:4> 'Sig T Feather Straight' to mark the path of the lower semaphore.