A driver command to operate railway crossings assembled around the core assets <kuid2:368725:20389:3> 'NSWGR railway crossing control, single track' and <kuid2:368725:20390:3> 'NSWGR railway crossing control, double track, 12ft spacing'.
Instances of railway crossings on the route are available to be chosen from the command's menu list only after they have been inserted into the menu through entries made to <kuid2:131986:1012:1> 'InputTable'.
The stated railway crossing core assets are operated by default by directional trigger assets placed on the railway track approaches to the crossing.
However, trigger operation can be changed to driver command operation by editing the crossing core asset's properties (open the Properties editor in Surveyor).
Driver command operation is useful when a railway crossing is situated within a yard such that trains approach near to a crossing without passing over it until a large delay has occurred (if at all).
At this time only the closing of a railway crossing to road traffic is required by this driver command. Re-opening the crossing to road traffic is handled by the crossing script.
Add an instance of InputTable to the rules in your session, and open up InputTable for editing.
The keyword to identify a railway crossing in the input table is 'crossing'. This will distinguish the entry from others intended for different purposes.
The naming convention for instances of the railway crossing core assets on a route is <location ID>_crossing control_<index>. It is for the user to check the route for the location IDs and indices actually used.
Each instance of a railway crossing that is to be subject to control by the 'Operate railway crossing ' command will need to meet the following 2 requirements.
1. An entry in the input table with the format:
crossing,<location ID>_crossing control_<index>
Example of a crossing entry in the input table:
Entry Meaning
crossing,HR_crossing control_0 A railway crossing control asset with the local name 'HR_crossing control_0' will be present in the list of crossings from which to choose when the 'Operate railway schedule' command is added to a driver schedule.
Example of the tooltip when examining a scheduled command:
Close 'HR_crossing control_0'
2. A track mark added immediately before an oncoming train enters the crossing in each direction of travel ('down' and 'up') to be controlled by the command.
In the down direction, the track mark must be named in the format '<locationID>_crossing mark_<index>_down'.
In the up direction, the track mark must be named in the format '<locationID>_crossing mark_<index>_up'.
For example, for a crossing instance named 'HR_crossing control_1' (locationID = 'HR' and index = '1'), the down track mark is named 'HR_crossing mark_1_down'.
Thanks to Trevor Laughton (trev999) for his driver command <kuid2:160293:101014:3> 'Skip if session variable' that was used as a template for this command.