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<kuid2:368725:40011:2> NSWGR catenary stanchion and wire supports for single track, LH

Тип: scenery
Опубликовано: 17.07.2020 9:32:02
Скачиваний: 51
Размер: 104.4 kB


Catenary stanchion and wire supports in use by NSWGR in the mid 20th century to serve a single track on the Sydney suburban, Central Coast and Blue Mountains lines.
The height of the pickup wire above the railtop is 5.3m, midway within the NSW operating range of 4.75 to 5.8m. The stanchion is 3.75m from the track centre and on the left-hand side of the track in the direction in which the track was layed.
The model meshes are based on those in a workbook provided by David Owen (davido). Thanks to David for sharing his work.


staunchion.texture.txt 33 B
staunchionnorm.texture.txt 37 B
mesh-lod3.im 8.2 kB
mesh-lod2.im 20.7 kB
thumbnail.jpg 30.8 kB
mesh-lod1.im 32.5 kB
mesh-lod0.im 48.6 kB
staunchionnorm.tga 64.0 kB
staunchion.tga 48.0 kB
Общий объём файлов: 252.9 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:368725:40011:2> scenery NSWGR catenary stanchion and wire supports for single track, LH 4.3 17.07.2020 9:32:02 104.4 kB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:368725:30120:1> #368725 track NSWGR catenary with stanchion spline for gently-curving single track, RH 4.5 19.10.2023 18:59:20 148.7 kB
<kuid2:368725:30121:1> #368725 track NSWGR catenary with stanchion spline for sharply-curving single track, RH 4.5 17.07.2020 9:06:47 134.7 kB


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