A catenary spline including cantilevered stanchions on the right-hand side of the track in the direction in which the spline is layed. The cantilever enables wire support from the left in cases where there is no space for a stanchion to the left of the track.
The model spacing between staunchions is 25m. To maintain contact on sharp curves between pantographs and the pickup wire, a spline point should be added every 25m.
Suitable for straight track and for curvatures with a radius between 200 and 450m. For gentler curves use <kuid:368725:30124>. The default height of the pickup wire above the railtop is 5.3m, midway within the NSW operating range of 4.75 to 5.8m. The wire is centred over the track when the stanchion is 3.75m from the track centre.
At branch-line junctions, bring the catenary-with-stanchion spline over the common track up to the junction point, then leave a gap of 25m or 50m and restart catenary-with-stanchion splines on each branch from the junction. Join the common-track spline to each branch spline using <kuid:368725:30133> 'NSWGR catenary wire spline for sharply-curving track' (25m runs) or <kuid:368725:30132> 'NSWGR catenary wire spline for gently-curving track' (50m runs).
In yards where there are multiple junctions that form tracks running in parallel, use the catenary-wire splines mentioned above in conjunction with <kuid:60723:1271> 'NSW Catenary Gantry Spline' and <kuid:60723:1275> 'NSW Catenary Gantry Posts'. In this case, the height of the catenary wires and their supports will need independent adjustment to maintain the established catenary height above the track.
The model meshes are based on those in a workbook provided by David Owen (davido). Thanks to David for sharing his work.