Due to a lack of female train drivers, I decided to make some. I have made a few for myself, but this is the first one I have released. Being female, I wanted to have some females to drive my trainz :) This is the mesh file that you need to go with the matching driver file which is KUID: 315307:100047. This driver is in a seated postion. This is a relatively very large file, see explanation further below...
Note about all driver meshes in general: The position of the driver in the cab is mostly dependant upon where the person who created the train model put the attachment point for the driver. The creator of the driver mesh, in this case, me, can only determine the position of the driver character in relation to the attachment point that is built in to the train model. If the creator of the train model has placed the driver attachment point in the correct location, this driver character will be perfectly seated where it is suppose to be. unfortunately, it seems that the driver attachment point is different in almost every train. It is beyond me why the train model creators can seldom ever get this correct. Even the best creators almost always mess this up, yet manage to perfectly position all the attachment points for everything else. So, if this driver character is in a weird place in your train, blame the creator of the train, theres nothing I can do about this.
This is a very detailed high poly mesh with high resolution textures. It has NO impact on performance whatsoever on my machine, due to the way the textures and materials were done. There is only one texture file for the entire mesh, and only a few different materials used, keeping the draw count low. My PC was built for gaming, but if you have a low performance PC, you may see a performance hit You will just have to try the file and see. I hope it works for you, and you enjoy using it.