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<kuid2:275817:37220:1> DDD HL station 2T 01

Тип: Мост
Опубликовано: 23.07.2020 20:47:42
Скачиваний: 23
Размер: 89.7 kB


A spline to create a straight or curved station with grey brick walls and supporting stone piers. Raise to 6 metres above base level. One of my high level stations, bridges, etc. all of which have names beginning 'DDD HL ...'. 10 metre segments, stone pillars at one end. Use 'grey conc std clean ...' track (TS2010 built-in) to attach the station to any 'DDD HL ...' scenery object.


base surface.bmp 129.1 kB
base surface.texture.txt 35 B
brick 03.texture.txt 31 B
brick 03.tga 128.0 kB
ddd hl station 2t 01.jpg 37.4 kB
ddd hl station 2t spline.im 13.6 kB
grey.bmp 2.1 kB
grey.texture.txt 27 B
platform edge.bmp 17.1 kB
platform edge.texture.txt 36 B
platform surface.bmp 129.1 kB
platform surface.texture.txt 39 B
Общий объём файлов: 456.4 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:275817:37220:1> bridge DDD HL station 2T 01 2.8 23.07.2020 20:47:42 89.7 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:60850:38018> #60850 track grey conc clean std 08m 1.3 17.07.2020 8:47:53 61.9 kB
Всего связей: 1, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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