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<kuid:252585:291071575> MAS Coal Sacks Stacked Pair

Тип: scenery
Опубликовано: 12.01.2021 22:47:53
Скачиваний: 17
Размер: 1.1 MB


Miscellaneous Accessory Series Coal Sacks Stacked Pair
The MAS series contains what would be known in Film/Stage/TV circles as 'set dressing' - smaller items added to the overall scene to give it character by adding details of an appropriate locale and period.
Since coal was a staple commodity used by nearly every household in the country, its distribution was officialy regulated: the sacks had metal badges rivetted on to confirm they were of the correct capacity, and they were reused until they wore out. Full sacks were habitually stacked two high, both in the yards and on delivery carts or lorries.


sacks 1 norm-sacks 1 norm.texture.txt 84 B
sacks 1.texture.txt 30 B
sp.im 14.9 kB
screenshot.jpg 36.7 kB
sacks 1.tga 768.0 kB
sacks 1 norm.tga 1.0 MB
Общий объём файлов: 1.8 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:252585:291071575> scenery MAS Coal Sacks Stacked Pair 3.7 12.01.2021 22:47:53 1.1 MB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:255503:105919:2> #255503 map Somewhere Scotland 1948-1964 kuid2:255503:105919:2 4v5 4.5 21.01.2024 21:43:33 3.4 MB
<kuid2:514207:100360:16> #514207 map Swanage Railway 5.2 20.07.2023 4:08:04 32.0 MB
<kuid2:514207:100360:17> #514207 map Swanage Railway 5.3 26.08.2024 14:01:37 159.4 MB
<kuid2:514207:100360:18> #514207 map Swanage Railway 5.5 1.09.2024 21:45:09 160.1 MB


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