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<kuid:252585:281445844> MT SCSK CH4

Тип: scenery
Опубликовано: 20.06.2020 23:09:23
Скачиваний: 13
Размер: 4.0 MB


MT SCSK CH 4 Scottish Country Station Kit Crew Hut 4
A standard brick-built crew hut, as found widely over the UK's railway system in goods yards, loco depots and larger station platforms, but also suited to general industrial use. While it's not exactly based on a specific prototype, its layout is derived from the hut which used to sit beyond the bridge at the north end of Kyle of Lochalsh station on the West Coast of Scotland opposite the Isle of Skye, but slightly squashed to fit a revised location.

The original mesh was created in Gmax and has been engineered to sit at just under 500 polys, thus avoiding LOD. I'm uploading it in three separate versions to illustrate an ongoing discussion about the baking of Ambient Occlusion on assets at the Trainz Forum: one with no baking, a second withbaking with xNormal 'out of the box', and a third with a bake that has been selectively toned down. At present, however, I'm identifying them only by numbers, so that you can decide for yourself which you prefer without prejudice!


i2k kyl ub ch 1024 copy 4.texture.txt 48 B
ub ch n.im 41.5 kB
screenshot.jpg 46.4 kB
i2k kyl ub ch 1024 copy 4 norm.texture.txt 78 B
i2k kyl ub ch 1024 copy 4.tga 8.0 MB
i2k kyl ub ch 1024 copy 4 norm.tga 8.0 MB
Общий объём файлов: 16.1 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:252585:281445844> scenery MT SCSK CH4 4.2 20.06.2020 23:09:23 4.0 MB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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