4 Plank Wagon - Arbroath Friendly Coal Company Ltd
In the days when railways were the backbone of British industry, private owner wagons were a common sight, much in the way that big commercial firms now have their own fleets of trailers which may be pulled by their own vehickes or third-party hauliers.
With coal being such a dominant commodity, many suppliers shipped consignments on a very regular basis direct from the coalfields in their own vehicles which would be collected and dropped off by pick-up goods services.
The prototype of this wagon must have passed within 100 yards of where I am now on a very regular basis on its trips between the nearest coalfields of Southern Fife and its home base, via the Tay Bridge and Dundee, though it's by no means impossible that it ventured rather further afield, particularly during the First World War, when the Highland Railwway had responsiblilty for supplying the British Fleet stationed in the Orkneys, within sight of its Northern terminus at Thurso: an operation which required more locomotives and stock than it actually possessed.
This asset has an optional tarpaulin, which van be selected via the 'Sub meshes' section of the 'Options' screen in the 'Properties' window available in Surveyor.
Thanks to PaulHobbs and Trainboi1 for their mesh library elements, many of which have been used in the model.