It was shops such as this that once gave shopping strreets so much character: even the distinctly home-made signwriting is so much more interesting than the bland corporate perfection that so many of our national chains now present. Small businesses such as this were once the backbone of British commerce, but are sadly being increasingly crowded out by the 'big boys', even in the small towns of rural Scotland, although it's taken rather longer than Down South, giving me a chance to capture some great examples before they too disappear...
The Pincushion is a case in point: in the eighteen months or so since I took the pictures that formed the basis for this model, the shop (in West High Street, Forfar) has changed hands and is now a computer consultancy, with blinds on the windows and just a small sign on the glass above the door: hardly worth a second glance, unlike this previous incarnation, which was definitely eyecatching.
The Pincushion may have gone in real life, but will hopefully live on for many years to come in model form.....