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<kuid:252585:1780> SBS TBC CUSF FOR Forte Cafe Shopfront

Тип: scenery
Опубликовано: 20.06.2020 23:02:00
Скачиваний: 32
Размер: 191.4 kB


Scottish Buildings Series Tenement Block Collection

Closie/Tenement Shopfront Forte Cafe Shopfront

Another shopfront for the hollow-fronted tenement units, again based on textures taken from a prototype in Dura St., Dundee, though across the road from Dora's and the Balmore, and further up the hill, close to the junction with Albert St. Fortes is another Italian-founded Dundee food institution, and although it has changed ownership and location since its heydays, it still has the friendly authentic feel of an old cafe with a coterie of regulars, who know that it's better to avoid visiting during the middle of the day during school terms - the Morgan Academy is just up the road, and and lunch times the place is 'stowed-out' in local parlance. 'Stowed' rhymes with 'crowd', and has much the same meaning....

As with the other shopfronts of this series, there may be 'daylight' showing between the unit and its tenement housing when in place: no worries - I've made a spacer fillet (SBS TBC SFSF) to plug such gaps, and indeed one is in use at the right hand end of the cafe facade, behind the rone-/drain-pipes, in the screenshot.


forte caff work copy.jpg 205.3 kB
forte caff work copy.texture.txt 43 B
sbs tbc cusf for2.im 3.7 kB
screenshot.jpg 9.4 kB
Общий объём файлов: 218.4 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:252585:1780> scenery SBS TBC CUSF FOR Forte Cafe Shopfront 2.9 20.06.2020 23:02:00 191.4 kB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:255503:105919:2> #255503 map Somewhere Scotland 1948-1964 kuid2:255503:105919:2 4v5 4.5 21.01.2024 21:43:33 3.4 MB
<kuid2:351596:101570:1> #351596 map GCR22 V4 5.4 27.08.2024 19:06:10 70.1 MB


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