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<kuid2:236618:2019099:1> Wooden Barrel Library under construction

Тип: mesh
Опубликовано: 26.08.2024 17:01:37
Скачиваний: 8
Размер: 3.9 MB


Mesh and texture library for old wooden barrels under construction, in three capacities 225,300 and 500 liters, in different construction phases and with stacked wooden boards for construction.
They are static and decorative objects, not functional or interactive.
In this update of kuid2 these changes have been made:
-The textures have been retouched and normal maps have been added.
-The original username has been changed.


arometalico.texture.txt 34 B
arometaliconormal.texture.txt 92 B
barril b.texture.txt 31 B
barril bnormal.texture.txt 86 B
6 tapaderas.im 15.5 kB
13 aros.im 23.3 kB
barrilb225abi-abj.im 7.9 kB
barril225abierto.im 18.3 kB
barril300abierto.im 18.3 kB
barrilb225abi-arr.im 7.9 kB
arometalico.tga 48.0 kB
barrilb225abi-medio.im 7.1 kB
barril500abierto.im 18.3 kB
barrilb300abi-abj.im 7.9 kB
barrilb300abi-arr.im 7.9 kB
barrilb500abi-abj.im 7.9 kB
barrilb500abi-medio.im 7.1 kB
barrilb300abi-medio.im 7.1 kB
barrilb500abi-arr.im 7.9 kB
arometaliconormal.tga 64.0 kB
listonesbarril115a.im 6.2 kB
listonesbarril100b.im 2.8 kB
listonesbarril115b.im 2.8 kB
listonesbarril100a.im 6.2 kB
listonesbarril95b.im 2.8 kB
listonesbarril95a.im 6.2 kB
tablas b abierto.texture.txt 67 B
listonesbarril100c.im 8.6 kB
listonesbarril95c.im 8.6 kB
listonesbarril115c.im 8.6 kB
tablas b abiertonormal.texture.txt 102 B
tablas b lateral.texture.txt 39 B
tablas b lateralnormal.texture.txt 102 B
tablas b lateral.tga 192.0 kB
tablas b.texture.txt 31 B
tablas bnormal.texture.txt 86 B
tapaderabarrib.texture.txt 37 B
tablas b lateralnormal.tga 256.0 kB
tapaderabarribnormal.texture.txt 98 B
tablas b.tga 192.0 kB
tapaderabarrib.tga 192.0 kB
thumbnail.jpg 83.1 kB
tapaderabarribnormal.tga 256.0 kB
tablas bnormal.tga 256.0 kB
barril b.tga 768.0 kB
barril bnormal.tga 1.0 MB
tablas b abierto.tga 1.0 MB
tablas b abiertonormal.tga 1.0 MB
Общий объём файлов: 5.5 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:236618:2019099:1> mesh Wooden Barrel Library under construction 4.5 26.08.2024 17:01:37 3.9 MB
<kuid:236618:2019099> mesh STR-Wooden Barrel Library in the construction phase 4.5 10.01.2021 16:48:20 1.6 MB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:236618:2019100> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaTapaderas6 4.5 10.01.2021 16:50:15 56.0 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019100:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.HeadX6 4.5 26.08.2024 17:01:42 33.1 kB
<kuid:236618:2019101> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaAros13 4.5 29.01.2021 0:55:18 55.0 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019101:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.MetalHoods x13 4.5 26.08.2024 17:01:49 31.5 kB
<kuid:236618:2019102> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaSinTapa225 4.5 29.01.2021 0:54:50 50.7 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019102:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.225l.open 4.5 26.08.2024 17:01:54 27.9 kB
<kuid:236618:2019103> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaSinTapa300 4.5 29.01.2021 0:54:50 50.7 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019103:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.300l.open 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:02 29.8 kB
<kuid:236618:2019104> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaSinTapa500 4.5 10.01.2021 16:47:06 50.7 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019104:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.500l.open 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:07 33.7 kB
<kuid:236618:2019105> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionA-225 4.5 12.01.2021 18:37:36 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019105:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.225l.A-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:15 29.5 kB
<kuid:236618:2019106> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionB-225 4.5 12.01.2021 18:45:37 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019106:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.225l.B-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:21 35.9 kB
<kuid:236618:2019107> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionC-225 4.5 12.01.2021 22:41:33 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019107:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.225l.C-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:26 31.2 kB
<kuid:236618:2019108> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionA-300 4.5 29.01.2021 0:13:57 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019108:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.300l.A-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:34 26.9 kB
<kuid:236618:2019109> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionB-300 4.5 12.01.2021 19:08:21 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019109:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.300l.B-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:40 35.4 kB
<kuid:236618:2019110> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionC-300 4.5 12.01.2021 19:21:43 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019110:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.300l.C-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:45 32.1 kB
<kuid:236618:2019111> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionA-500 4.5 29.01.2021 0:13:57 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019111:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.500l.A-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:53 30.5 kB
<kuid:236618:2019112> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionB-500 4.5 12.01.2021 19:25:45 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019112:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.500l.B-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:02:59 36.4 kB
<kuid:236618:2019113> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaConstruccionC-500 4.5 10.01.2021 17:46:53 62.6 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019113:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.500l.C-HalfBuilt 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:04 31.8 kB
<kuid:236618:2019114> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones95a 4.5 10.01.2021 17:42:28 61.3 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019114:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.95A 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:12 32.0 kB
<kuid:236618:2019115> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones95b 4.5 29.01.2021 0:14:30 61.3 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019115:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.95B 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:18 39.7 kB
<kuid:236618:2019116> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones95c 4.5 29.01.2021 1:20:58 61.3 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019116:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.95C 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:24 38.4 kB
<kuid:236618:2019117> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones100a 4.5 23.01.2021 12:31:38 61.3 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019117:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.100A 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:31 32.7 kB
<kuid:236618:2019118> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones100b 4.5 12.01.2021 19:38:26 61.3 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019118:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.100B 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:38 34.8 kB
<kuid:236618:2019119> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones100c 4.5 12.01.2021 22:50:40 61.3 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019119:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.100C 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:43 42.9 kB
<kuid:236618:2019120> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones115a 4.5 29.01.2021 1:21:02 61.4 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019120:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.115A 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:51 31.1 kB
<kuid:236618:2019121> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones115b 4.5 12.01.2021 22:42:34 61.4 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019121:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.115B 4.5 26.08.2024 17:03:57 34.6 kB
<kuid:236618:2019122> #236618 scenery STR_BarrilMaderaListones115c 4.5 10.01.2021 17:47:18 61.4 kB
<kuid2:236618:2019122:1> #236618 scenery Barrel.Wood.Staves.115C 4.5 26.08.2024 17:04:03 43.1 kB


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