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<kuid2:211961:15000:1> Mining Falns V01

Тип: traincar
Опубликовано: 12.06.2020 23:24:33
Скачиваний: 35
Размер: 2.3 MB


Hopper cars of the Fal-type for transport of coal and iron ore were first developed during the 1920ies by the firms of Orenstein & Koppel and Krupp. The lower halves of the side walls consist of a pair of outward opening hinged flaps at each side. Instead of a level floor, a saddle of triangular cross section runs the length of the car body. It ensures immediate and complete discharge of the load by gravity to either side after unlocking the side flaps. Unlocking occurs by operating a single lever.
Provided suitable bunkers are available entire trains can be unloaded quickly by a small number of persons without any need for shunting. Since this concept proved itself for mass transports of coal, lignite and iron ores numerous cars of improved versions were subsequently procured by many European railway companies. According to modern UIC nomenclature F refers to hopper cars, a to four axles, l immediate gravity-fed discharge and s max sped of 100 km/h.
Instead of the standard screw-type couplers and buffers found with european freight cars, the Fal-type coal cars used with East German lignite mining industry are fitted with simple coupling funnels. They are connected with each other and the mining locomotives by massive coupler bars (bullenpisser) which take all longitudinal stresses. The side flaps are operated pneumatically with compressed air supplied by the locomotive. The cars are used in push-and-pull trains.
In the heydays of mining trains they were travelling between lignite mining excavators and the bunkers of nearby lignite users e.g. power plants. Lignite mining companies used to own extensive networks of DC electrified tracks. On their way to the bunkers coal trains could also be seen on suitable sections of Deutsche Reichsbahn tracks. Alternatively they would go to transfer stations where lignite was transferred to Deutsche Reichsbahn trains.
The model has an animated coal load, coupler bars, rubber hoses, tail lamps as well as automatic numbering which are controlled by script.
Thank for the first mesh and the first textur to Torsten.


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braunkohle0.tfx 388 B
braunkohle1.tfx 388 B
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mfalns_alpha_numbers / alphanumber_9.tga 64.5 kB
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mfalns_art / mfalns_art_512.tga 1.0 MB
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mfalns_body / laubag_rseite.tga 1.5 MB
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mfalns_body / laubag_seite.tga 1.5 MB
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mfalns_body / laubag_stirn.tga 768.5 kB
mfalns_body / load  
mfalns_body / load / braunkohle.texture.txt 33 B
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Общий объём файлов: 8.5 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:211961:15000:1> traincar Mining Falns V01 2.4 12.06.2020 23:24:33 2.3 MB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-3:10040> #-3 product-category Погрузка бревен 0 30.11.2022 23:25:27 13.3 kB
<kuid:-3:10164> #-3 texture IndustryObjectIcon 0 12.06.2020 19:16:45 2.0 kB
<kuid:-1:42004201> #-1 engine Типовой вагон 0 1.03.2023 22:53:14 2.4 kB
<kuid2:148893:21100:1> #148893 texture Particle Texture Braunkohle 2.2 12.06.2020 23:24:52 79.9 kB
<kuid2:148893:21104:1> #148893 texture Particle Texture Braunkohle (hell) 2.2 12.06.2020 23:26:52 88.8 kB
<kuid2:148893:21105:1> #148893 texture Particle Texture Braunkohle (dunkel) 2.2 12.06.2020 23:33:02 90.9 kB
<kuid2:148893:21200:1> #148893 texture Icon Tagebau 2.2 1.05.2023 16:18:33 62.3 kB
<kuid2:148893:61000:1> #148893 product Braunkohle 2.2 25.04.2023 9:58:52 37.9 kB
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<kuid2:148893:61005:1> #148893 product Braunkohle (dunkel) 2.2 25.04.2023 9:58:51 76.3 kB
<kuid2:211961:21001:1> #211961 texture Corona Weiss 2 13.06.2020 19:07:59 11.4 kB
<kuid2:211961:21002:1> #211961 texture Corona Rot 2 13.06.2020 19:07:59 13.3 kB
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<kuid2:211961:50101:1> #211961 bogey Tagebau-Kupplung 2 2.2 13.06.2020 19:07:59 17.6 kB
<kuid2:211961:50102:2> #211961 bogey Coal car Bogey 3.5 12.06.2020 23:26:55 85.3 kB
Всего связей: 15, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:148893:1047> #148893 profile Fahrbetrieb 2.4 2.08.2020 17:34:27 113.1 kB


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