This is the ore complex in Skagway, Akaska on the WP&Y Railroad. Deep water close to
shore was at a permium and by the time this was built none was left on flat ground.
This entire complex is on trestles and includes access to the coal unloaded that
unloads coal ships. This requires 2 switches to be added in surveyor although only
one is actually used. The one at the top of the steep incline is only for show but
the other one needs to be operational. This is interactive for copper ore and has
an animated page dump car that travels from under the tipple to the top of the steep
incline and back as part of the empty a car interactivity. The bunker on top of the
steep incline is a separate item kuid2:210518:300721:1 and is attached to the main
item as kind attachment in the config files mesh table. This also has two animated
trams that take ore from the bunker to the end of the docks but there is no
interactivity to fill a ship.