This interactive industry is based on the concentration mill that was part of the copper mine in Kennicott, Alaska. Due to the type of ore an ammonia process was used rather than acid leaching. The majority of the product was shipped in hopper cars loaded from the chute. Residual copper was shipped in burlap bags on flatcars by the Copper River & Northwestern Railway to Cordova where it was shipped to the lower 48 via steamship or barge for final processing into metal. CR&NW Railway. CR & NW Railway flatcar (kuid2:210518:7882:1) is interactive for the bagged residue. CR & NW Railway Hopper (kuid2:210518:7895:1) is interactive for the loose product. This structure is designed to be built into the side of a hill so you will have to adjust the ground level and items height several times to get the slope to your liking. It was easier to make it this way and should allow greater leeway in how you slope the ground. Many thanks to Dale Pattee of bsnteng for the script file.
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