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<kuid2:210518:6578:1> New_Hi-Capy_Flat_4_Body

Тип: traincar
Опубликовано: 16.07.2020 11:29:17
Скачиваний: 15
Размер: 150.2 kB


This is the body to the fourth in a series of high capacity depressed center flat cars using
bdneals 8-wheel buckeye trucks (kuid2:96914:50195:3) which can be downloaded from his site
(Subpar Productions) in the 2-6-6-6 common pack. Many thanks to him for letting me use them.
There is an attachment point (a.load0) in the center of this item for those who would like
to make it interactive for the load of your choice. The screenshot shows the assembled traincar.
This car must be assembled in Surveyor:
1. Place this item on the track.
2. Place a New Hi-Capy Flat 4 Bolster (kuid2:210518:6579:1) on the track a little pastthe ends
of the car body.
3. Rotate one bolster as needed.
4. Move the bolsters under the body until they couple.
5. When properly assembled there should only be one red and one green arrow and the car
should move as a unit.


black.bmp 246 B
black.texture.txt 28 B
new hi-capy flat 4.jpg 10.6 kB
part_1.im 420.9 kB
shadow.im 95.5 kB
Общий объём файлов: 527.2 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:210518:6578:1> traincar New_Hi-Capy_Flat_4_Body 2.9 16.07.2020 11:29:17 150.2 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-1:42004201> #-1 engine Типовой вагон 0 1.03.2023 22:53:14 2.4 kB
<kuid2:30671:90102101:2> #30671 product Cattle 2 20.06.2020 23:17:00 71.6 kB
<kuid2:96914:50165:3> #96914 Unknown
Всего связей: 3, неизвестных связей: 1

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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