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<kuid:142675:1332> AF cbridge right

Тип: mesh
Опубликовано: 12.06.2020 23:33:02
Скачиваний: 83
Размер: 310.6 kB


Connecting bridges are needed to connect bucket chain excavators with the overburden conveyor bridge to a working unit. The bucket chains are continuously producing excavated spoil, which is lead through chutes in the centre of the upperworks to the lower end of a conveyor belt in the connecting bridge. This conveyor belt transports spoil to the conveyor bridge. At the overburden conveyor bridge spoil from two or even three connecting bridges is transferred by other chutes to the main conveyor belt. Spoil from all excavators is transported over a distance of 270 m across the lignite mine to the mined out side. There it is distributed to different conveyor belts which deposit it at the dump site.


$screenshot$.jpg 17.1 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_dach.texture.txt 31 B
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_dach.tga 192.0 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_grau.texture.txt 31 B
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_grau.tga 812 B
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_grau_d.texture.txt 33 B
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_grau_d.tga 812 B
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_querverband.bmp 48.1 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_querverband.texture.txt 65 B
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_querverband.tga 48.0 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_wand.texture.txt 31 B
v_bruecke_rechts / afb_wand.tga 384.0 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / af_v_bruecke_rechts.im 262.8 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / drehgestell  
v_bruecke_rechts / drehgestell / drehgestell.texture.txt 34 B
v_bruecke_rechts / drehgestell / drehgestell.tga 192.0 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / drehgestell / drehgestell_einfach.im 34.1 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / drehgestell / rad.texture.txt 26 B
v_bruecke_rechts / drehgestell / rad.tga 192.0 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / foerderband.texture.txt 34 B
v_bruecke_rechts / foerderband.tga 48.0 kB
v_bruecke_rechts / gelaender_rot.texture.txt 36 B
v_bruecke_rechts / gelaender_rot.tga 812 B
v_bruecke_rechts / rad.texture.txt 26 B
v_bruecke_rechts / rad.tga 192.0 kB
Общий объём файлов: 1.6 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:142675:1332> mesh AF cbridge right 2.4 12.06.2020 23:33:02 310.6 kB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:142675:1328> #142675 buildable overburden conveyor bridge combination 2.4 25.09.2023 12:42:16 136.9 kB


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