This command provides a means of communication between the drivers by posting and receiving their messages through the timetable. The menu contains three sub menus: SendMessageToTT, WaitForTTMessage, and WaitForTTMsgAndClear. The first submenu, SendMessageToTT, sends the selected message to the timetable while the other two sub menus tell the driver to wait for a specified message to be posted (WaitForTTMsgAndClear also erases the message as soon as it is received by the driver). In order to create the messages/announcements listed in the sub menus, the WorkTable rule (which is included in this pack) must be used. The following format must be used when defining messages after editing and adding a new line in the WorkTable rule.
msg, <your message>
where 'msg' is a label used to ensure that the message 'your message' appears in the CommWithTTable command menus. Here is an example,
msg, EricCompleteJob1
The message 'EricCompleteJob1' appears in the menus of this command.
NOTES:This driver command also obsoletes the previous driver schedule commands PostMessage, WaitForMessage, and WaitForMessageAndClear. Also, this version replaces the old CommWithTTable command Version 0.0.