Set DCC throttle equivalent to a specified target speed. In order to issue this command, speed labels must be pre defined in InputTable rule in the following format:
where SPEED_VALUE is the magnitude of the desired speed and SPEED_UNIT denotes the unit of the speed in KPH, or MPH, or MPS. Default SPEED_UNIT is KPH if this field is left blank.
Ex: speed, 30 (30 KPH)
speed, 30, MPH (30 MPH)
speed, 35, KPH (35 KPH)
Once the speed labels are defined in the rule editor, they will appear in the command's menu. Then, you anly need to choose the desired speed for the train and use one of the driving commands DriveViaTrackmark, DriveViaTrigger, JustDrive, CoupleAhead, and DrivePastJunction to drive the train with the selected speed label.
NOTE: In order for this command to work properly the maximum speed of the train (locomotive) must be specified by using MaxDCCSpeed command available on DS. Refer to that command's instructions to learn how to use that command.