This LARS2 Steel Industry Track handles the materials transported on the hot side of a steel-making facility. It can produce and consume the following products:
- Coke (kuid2:81150:66)
- Limestone aggregate (kuid2:30671:9252101)
- Iron Ore (kuid2:30671:9260111)
- Iron pellets (kuid2:30671:9260112)
- Scrap Metal (kuid2:30671:9720410)
- Iron, Molten (kuid2:124017:27000)
- Slag, Hot (kuid2:124017:27003)
- Smelter Waste, Cold (kuid2:81150:137)
- Steel Slab, Hot (kuid2:124017:27001)
It was made using Lars Ljungberg's LARS2 Content Development Kit (CDK). This can be found at the TrainzProRoutes website: (Note that it is NOT necessary for you to download the LARS2 CDK in order to use this asset.)
[This version was updated AGAIN to include all the products as dependencies -- some were weirdly missing before. If you already have this asset working, you won't have to to download it anew (though it won't break anything if you do). This update is just to ensure that people downloading this item in the future get all the dependencies.]