A yellow colored box car, lettered for the Western & Atlantic Railroad (W&A) -- colors chosen to match W&A passenger cars by Pencil42. This is a freelance model of an early box car with a canvas covered, arched roof, from the era of the America Civil War (1861-1865) based on historic photographs and dimensional data of various cars from the period. Similar cars were also in use during the 1850s through the 1870s. Early box cars were often less than 32' in overall length to avoid the expensive of using (iron) truss rods. During the war, iron became scarce, and thus many of cars built were by both North and South were of the short, 'truss-less' kind. The variety used and actual location of crew-conveniences used on box cars, such as brakes, ladders, steps, etc., varied during the period. Standard car building standards and practices weren't in common use in the U.S. until the 1870s.