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<kuid2:112938:68:1> Vegetable-1 Depot

Тип: Индустрия
Опубликовано: 20.04.2021 20:45:41
Скачиваний: 59
Размер: 4.1 MB


Vegetable and fruit Depot loads 8 cars of agricultural foetuses and fruit as well as unloads 3 cars of fruit. The model has a lot of animation and sound effects. Vegetable and fruit Depot it loads products only chosen by user. Load product in any sequence: carrot, pea, soya - apples red, onion, potatoes - include function repeat in Rule Driver configuration. See necessarily the files product1.jpg and product2.jpg. To see these files you must, open Content Manager TS2009 and higher ...(LAUNCHER > CONTENT). Highlight the Vegetable Depot content in the main window Content Manager (L-Clik on the content Vegetable Depot). Then, R-Clik and choose EDIT > EDIT IN EXPLORER. Opens the window of EDITING folder. Open Vegetable Depot folder and see or print the files products1.jpg and products2.jpg. Close the window of EDITING folder. R-Clik and choose command EDIT > REVERT. Close Content Manager.


$screenshot$ old.jpg 57.2 kB
$screenshot$.jpg 66.8 kB
apples_red.im 4.4 kB
apples_red.kin 21.3 kB
barrage.texture.txt 30 B
barrage.tga 128.0 kB
belt.texture.txt 27 B
belt.tga 64.0 kB
carrot.im 4.4 kB
carrot.kin 21.3 kB
chute.im 3.4 kB
chute.kin 4.8 kB
chute.wav 262.9 kB
chute_door0.im 51.4 kB
chute_door0.kin 70.9 kB
chute_door0.wav 109.7 kB
chute_door1.im 51.4 kB
chute_door1.kin 70.9 kB
chute_door1.wav 272.6 kB
chute_door2.im 51.4 kB
chute_door2.kin 70.9 kB
clang.wav 145.7 kB
config-custom.txt 28.5 kB
config-normal.txt 28.7 kB
conveyor0.im 23.7 kB
conveyor0.kin 142.0 kB
conveyor1.im 23.7 kB
conveyor1.kin 142.0 kB
dependencies.jpg 131.3 kB
depot.texture.txt 28 B
depot.tga 1.0 MB
doors.im 5.4 kB
dump.wav 160.6 kB
gate.im 3.1 kB
gate.kin 13.3 kB
gate.wav 141.8 kB
globe.texture.txt 28 B
globe.tga 4.0 kB
grass.texture.txt 28 B
grass.tga 64.0 kB
grate.texture.txt 28 B
grate.tga 16.0 kB
hopsanim.im 4.6 kB
hopsanim.kin 8.7 kB
icon.texture.txt 43 B
icon.tga 16.0 kB
infra_truck.im 687.6 kB
infra_truck.kin 113.3 kB
lemonsanim.im 4.6 kB
lemonsanim.kin 8.7 kB
light-light_op.texture.txt 48 B
light.tga 32.0 kB
light_op.tga 24.0 kB
load11.im 4.5 kB
load11.kin 1.7 kB
load12.im 4.5 kB
load12.kin 1.4 kB
multi_loader0.im 6.0 kB
multi_loader0.kin 166.8 kB
multi_loader1.im 6.0 kB
multi_loader1.kin 166.8 kB
night.im 62.5 kB
onion.im 4.4 kB
onion.kin 21.3 kB
orangesanim.im 4.6 kB
orangesanim.kin 8.7 kB
pea.im 4.4 kB
pea.kin 21.3 kB
potatoes.im 4.4 kB
potatoes.kin 21.3 kB
process_load0.im 2.9 kB
process_load0.kin 141.3 kB
process_load1.im 2.9 kB
process_load1.kin 141.3 kB
product1.jpg 330.1 kB
product1.texture.txt 31 B
product1.tga 64.0 kB
product2.jpg 490.2 kB
product2.texture.txt 31 B
product2.tga 64.0 kB
product3.texture.txt 31 B
product3.tga 64.0 kB
product4.texture.txt 31 B
product4.tga 64.0 kB
product5.texture.txt 31 B
product5.tga 64.0 kB
product6.texture.txt 31 B
product6.tga 64.0 kB
pumps.wav 302.1 kB
road.texture.txt 27 B
road.tga 64.0 kB
slack1.wav 65.8 kB
soya.im 4.4 kB
soya.kin 21.3 kB
table.im 85.5 kB
table.texture.txt 28 B
table.tga 128.0 kB
transporter.im 35.7 kB
transporter.kin 1.9 kB
transporter.wav 133.3 kB
transporter1-transporter2.texture.txt 59 B
transporter1.tga 64.0 kB
transporter2.tga 64.0 kB
truck_run.wav 116.0 kB
unload11.im 4.5 kB
unload11.kin 1.2 kB
vegetable.wav 167.2 kB
vegetabledepot.gse 4.4 kB
vegetable_depot.im 879.5 kB
vegetable_load.wav 104.3 kB
vehicle_run.im 4.6 kB
vehicle_run.kin 27.1 kB
warninglight.im 3.3 kB
warninglight.kin 2.3 kB
Общий объём файлов: 8.5 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:112938:68:1> industry Vegetable-1 Depot 2.9 20.04.2021 20:45:41 4.1 MB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-10:137> #-10 track Путь_Невидимый 0 27.04.2023 20:42:45 1.0 kB
<kuid:-3:10092> #-3 scenery указатель 0 12.06.2020 2:07:45 961 B
<kuid:-1:15> #-1 track 1_путь_лесная 0 18.04.2023 0:13:40 107.9 kB
<kuid2:112938:111:1> #112938 product Soya 2.9 12.06.2020 19:31:52 89.7 kB
<kuid2:112938:113:1> #112938 product Carrot 2.9 21.06.2020 13:55:43 93.9 kB
<kuid2:112938:115:1> #112938 product Onion 2.9 20.06.2020 23:02:24 95.9 kB
<kuid2:112938:116:1> #112938 product Potatoes 2.9 21.06.2020 13:56:08 98.1 kB
<kuid2:112938:117:1> #112938 product Apples red 2.9 21.06.2020 13:57:20 83.8 kB
<kuid2:112938:118:1> #112938 product Lemons 2.9 24.07.2020 19:28:39 82.9 kB
<kuid2:112938:119:1> #112938 product Oranges 2.9 23.07.2020 20:39:23 77.8 kB
<kuid2:112938:121:1> #112938 product Hops 2.9 16.07.2020 17:14:57 94.5 kB
<kuid2:112938:122:1> #112938 product Pea 2.9 21.06.2020 14:13:57 89.9 kB
Всего связей: 12, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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