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<kuid:103475:28192> VR Unballasted 80lb Track 130m

Тип: Индустрия
Опубликовано: 15.03.2020 22:25:54
Скачиваний: 57
Размер: 445.3 kB


VR Unballasted Track Section - 10m
This asset represents a section of unballasted track (skelleton track) with a dirt/grassy road bed. The asset is setup to accept VR Track Ballast as a product. When the ballast is unloaded, it will raise the level of the ballast, giving the impression of ballasting the track. This version is a 10m section. The spliens can be changed to other types by joining different tracks to it, however this is not recommended, and is only intended so that you can change it from broad gauge to standard gauge as needed. Much thanks goes to Pencil42 for editing the script for me, which is based off the Auran Power Station's script.
I hope you enjoy using this asset.


ballast-anim.kin 2.3 kB
$screenshot$.jpg 19.1 kB
ballast-anim.im 20.0 kB
powerstation.gs 24.0 kB
unballasted-track.im 4.0 kB
plain-ballast.texture 344.0 kB
icon.tga 126.6 kB
Общий объём файлов: 540.1 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:103475:28192> industry VR Unballasted 80lb Track 130m 2.9 15.03.2020 22:25:54 445.3 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:103475:38212:3> #103475 procedural-track VR 80lb BG Wood - No Ballast Roadbed - Rusty 4.6 18.10.2021 18:57:36 31.8 kB
<kuid:103475:60011> #103475 mesh vr fixed track arrow - blue 2.4 24.06.2020 11:47:26 5.7 kB
<kuid2:103475:60026:1> #103475 product VR Track Ballast 2.9 18.04.2023 16:06:14 154.4 kB
Всего связей: 3, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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