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<kuid2:95230:107546:2> DES Station Suspended Monorail ver4 2T

Тип: Индустрия
Опубликовано: 25.10.2021 20:41:04
Скачиваний: 46
Размер: 7.4 MB


Monorail Station, version 4, 2 passenger enabaled tracks. NOTE: In order for the station to work, please specify 'Small Station' in the information window using the '?' in surveyor.
Revision: The Track is_silent, Repaired Night Textures.
Revision:2 Moved Passengers out of Objects & being to close to the Track Edge.
Revision:3 Adjusted Night Textures.
Thank You to David Snow for the Beautiful Art Work on these assets.
Permission Allowed to upload to the DLS.
Original Creator David Snow


accessories generic.texture.txt 42 B
$screenshot$.jpg 16.6 kB
alpha art station 4-alpha art station 4.texture.txt 73 B
smallstation.gs 3.1 kB
station 4 art 2.texture.txt 38 B
alpha art station 4.tga 4.0 MB
station 4 art.texture.txt 36 B
accessories generic.tga 3.0 MB
station 4 art 2.tga 3.0 MB
station_monorail_4_des.im 1.3 MB
track art.texture.txt 32 B
station_sound_amtrak.wav 3.8 MB
track art.tga 12.0 MB
station 4 art.tga 12.0 MB
Общий объём файлов: 39.1 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:95230:107546:2> industry DES Station Suspended Monorail ver4 2T 3.7 25.10.2021 20:41:04 7.4 MB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:95230:107062> #95230 track Auran's Track Invisible Silent 3.7 18.10.2021 19:58:23 9.9 kB
<kuid:95230:108004> #95230 product Auran's Product Night Passengers 3.5 18.10.2021 20:43:01 8.7 MB
Всего связей: 2, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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