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<kuid2:95230:101323:3> DES Convenience Store Pilot

Тип: scenery
Опубликовано: 12.05.2023 18:10:58
Скачиваний: 21
Размер: 5.0 MB


Convenience Store lettered for Pilot.
Night Mode is now Repaired on Gas Pump's Flicker, Patched for Compatibility issues with Trainz 2019s Lighting issues.
Revision:V4 Lowered overly Bright Pump Island Lights, added more Night Lighting. Updated Night Building Wall Textures Lighting, so not to be so Bright at Night,
Reskinned the front Entrances for correct Window Tints, & Frame work.
Thank You to David Snow for the Beautiful Art Work on these assets.
Permission Allowed to re-skin and upload to the DLS.
Original Creator David Snow


convenience store art basic-convenience store art basic.texture.txt 89 B
convenience store art basic.texture.txt 50 B
night lights-night lights.texture.txt 59 B
night lights.texture.txt 35 B
convenience store racks art.texture.txt 50 B
$screenshot$.jpg 16.8 kB
reflection art.texture.txt 37 B
window_night_pilot.im 472.0 kB
convenience_store_pilot_des.im 510.4 kB
night lights.tga 768.0 kB
reflection art.tga 768.0 kB
convenience store racks art.tga 3.0 MB
convenience store art basic.tga 16.0 MB
Общий объём файлов: 21.5 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:95230:101323:3> scenery DES Convenience Store Pilot 3.7 12.05.2023 18:10:58 5.0 MB
<kuid2:95230:101323:2> scenery DES Convenience Store Pilot 3.7 25.10.2021 20:34:54 5.0 MB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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