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<kuid2:87783:1197:3> Base Session - Release 2

Тип: Сессия
Опубликовано: 23.01.2021 12:44:25
Скачиваний: 30
Размер: 110.4 kB


The is the base session for the Midwest Central route, Release 2 BETA3 <kuid:87783:1198:3> 28 December 2007.

This session contains no rolling stock, but is designed as a template for those who wish to create their own sessions based on the Midwest Central route. MidCen makes extensive use of the Invisible Speed Signal to control train speed through turnouts. The ISS is, however, a session-based control, so if you load the map without a session, all of the ISS controls revert to their default (off) settings. There are more than 70 of them in the map and programming them yourself will be a very time consuming process. (Not recommended)

To use the base session, load it along with the Release 2 map into Suveyor, then immediately save the session under a different name of your choosing. Then add any rolling stock you wish to complete your new session. If you create one you like, I invite you to submit it for consideration. Accepted sessions will become a part of the MidCen world, will be posted on the DS and the author will be given credit. Please see the Midwest Central website for details.

The site also has an operations manual and a printable system map, both of which have been updated for Release 2. http://trains.0catch.com


2basesess-240.jpg 15.5 kB
2basesess-512.jpg 70.1 kB
profile.dat 228.4 kB
Общий объём файлов: 314.0 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:87783:1197:3> profile Base Session - Release 2 2.6 23.01.2021 12:44:25 110.4 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-16:2025> #-16 behavior Настройки машиниста 3.4 1.03.2020 18:12:47 25.1 kB
<kuid:-16:10212> #-16 behavior Опции запуска 0 17.01.2024 20:08:12 42.9 kB
<kuid:-3:10057> #-3 behavior Команды машиниста 0 1.12.2022 1:16:49 11.4 kB
<kuid:-3:10058> #-3 drivercommand Ехать к 4.5 25.11.2022 22:40:22 17.7 kB
<kuid:-3:10076> #-3 drivercommand Load 0 25.11.2022 23:01:32 20.6 kB
<kuid:-3:10077> #-3 drivercommand Unload 0 25.11.2022 22:48:42 20.4 kB
<kuid:-3:10081> #-3 drivercommand Couple 0 2.12.2022 19:34:51 9.3 kB
<kuid:-3:10082> #-3 drivercommand Decouple 0 2.12.2022 19:36:11 7.0 kB
<kuid:-3:10083> #-3 drivercommand Развернуть 0 25.11.2022 22:46:23 26.3 kB
<kuid:-3:10090> #-3 drivercommand Ждать 0 25.11.2022 23:03:25 21.7 kB
<kuid:-3:10149> #-3 drivercommand Navigate To Trackmark 0 19.12.2022 20:55:43 16.2 kB
<kuid:-3:10206> #-3 behavior Display Custom HUD 0 29.11.2022 4:31:59 11.4 kB
<kuid:-3:10209> #-3 drivercommand Navigate Via Trackmark 0 19.12.2022 21:00:46 17.1 kB
<kuid2:57344:80001:10> #57344 drivercommand WaitForTrigger 4.5 27.03.2022 11:40:10 15.9 kB
<kuid2:66277:80005:2> #66277 drivercommand UnCouplezFrom 0 28.01.2015 19:56:14 35.1 kB
<kuid2:87783:1198:3> #87783 map Midwest Central - V2 BETA3 2.6 2.08.2020 17:37:29 11.0 MB
<kuid2:192081:14:1> #192081 Unknown
Всего связей: 17, неизвестных связей: 1

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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