This is a typical VR style Point Rodding Crank that was used in nearly all Victorian Railways mechanically interlocked yards. This version of the device is designed to redirect the rodding at a 90 degree angle, relative to the incoming direction of the rodding (in this case, from the right hand side) and with said rodding lowered to -0.02 to allow it to sit below the foot of the rail and to pass thereunder without fouling said rail, the Natvander ''Point Connector Rod''set, with which the asset has been specifically designed and intended to be used, may be extended under as many yard tracks as required. where, having been returned to the proper height, the spline should be 'joined' to an appropriate ''VR Mechanical Point Rodding Lever'', according to yard requirements, to activate the attached set of points. Aternatively, the spline may be 'directed' to another ''Crank'' in order to further change the direction of the rodding. Please note that, like the Natvander splines, this asset is 'static' only and does not 'move' as do the similar appearing ''VR Mechanical Point Rodding Levers'' (nor will they act as junction levers). In the same manner, however, they should, according to the the VR's S. O. P. , be placed along the straight side of any junction they may be located close to. This asset is intended for use in Trainz build 2.9 and above