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<kuid2:74222:12296:2> Lockheed Electra L188 Qantas Startup

Тип: traincar
Опубликовано: 15.09.2023 23:44:16
Скачиваний: 17
Размер: 3.3 MB


A Lockheed Electra L188 Qantas aircraft. Reskin by Papou with permission.

It operates on invisible track and will load passengers and general goods at a suitable landing area. The aircraft has an automatically operating landing gear. This retracts at takeoff speed (160 kph) set in the script. It lowers at speeds below 160kph. The speeds for tilting and landing gear retraction on takeoff may be altered in the string table above - speeds are in kph.

The aircraft initially has the engines stopped. Use the B key to start or stop the engines. For AI operations, use the Aircraft Engine Start Rule, kuid2:60238:80004:1

It does not have an operating interior, but does have various exterior views based on an invisible interior, use the [ and ] keys from the interior view. The aircraft will load and unload passengers at suitable airports.

The aircraft has animations that can be operated by keyboard keys, or the Aircraft Action Trigger, kuid:76656:24050, when placed on track and set to the correct number:

- initially the propellers are stationary, use the B key or triggger setting 2 to start or stop the engines;
- it will flare on landing, use the V key or trigger setting 3
- emit smoke and sound from the tyres when landing, trigger setting 4
military and commercial aircraft sometimes use the same keys and trigger settings for differerent animations. If you find conflict on the same route, set the train priority of the trigger and the particular aircraft to a different value to differentiate.'


aircraft77.gse 2.8 kB
body / base.im 1.5 kB
body / base.kin 14.3 kB
body / body_electra.texture.txt 42 B
body / env_metal.bmp 12.1 kB
body / env_metal.texture.txt 32 B
body / body.im 165.0 kB
body / green_glass.texture.txt 34 B
body / green_glass.tga 13.0 kB
body / prop.bmp 192.1 kB
body / prop4.im 14.0 kB
body / prop4.kin 5.8 kB
body / propdisk.im 1.2 kB
body / propeller_red_white-prop.texture.txt 58 B
body / propeller_red_white.tga 192.0 kB
body / shadowblack.texture.txt 34 B
body / shadowblack.tga 786 B
body / wheels.im 90.0 kB
body / wheels.kin 58.5 kB
body / body_electra-qantas.tga 3.0 MB
engine_fade.wav 172.3 kB
engine.wav 277.4 kB
preview.jpg 16.8 kB
shadow / shadow.im 1.3 kB
shadow / shadow_inv.im 1.3 kB
shadow / shadowblack.texture.txt 34 B
shadow / shadowblack.tga 786 B
start.wav 864.0 kB
stop.wav 906.4 kB
tyres.wav 57.0 kB
wheel_motor.wav 497.3 kB
Общий объём файлов: 6.5 MB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:74222:12296:3> traincar Lockheed Electra L188 Qantas Startup 3.5 18.10.2021 20:02:38 3.0 MB
<kuid2:74222:12296:2> traincar Lockheed Electra L188 Qantas Startup 3.5 15.09.2023 23:44:16 3.3 MB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-10:149> #-10 bogey Тележка_невидимая 0 18.04.2023 0:03:42 1.4 kB
<kuid:-3:10013> #-3 product Товары 0 25.06.2020 16:55:55 158.0 kB
<kuid:-3:10060> #-3 product Passengers 2.9 12.06.2020 2:08:26 10.3 MB
<kuid:-3:10164> #-3 texture IndustryObjectIcon 0 12.06.2020 19:16:45 2.0 kB
<kuid2:60238:51012:2> #60238 engine Lancaster Engine config 3.5 17.07.2020 8:42:05 16.9 kB
<kuid2:60238:53035:1> #60238 enginesound Lockheed Orion Engine Sound Startup 2.8 23.07.2020 19:52:11 6.2 MB
<kuid2:60238:54011:1> #60238 hornsound Lancaster Horn Sound 2.4 2.08.2020 17:58:19 44.5 kB
<kuid2:60238:55015:3> #60238 interior Canal Boat 1 Interior 2.4 8.01.2018 22:54:43 13.5 kB
<kuid2:60238:1000033:1> #60238 mesh Aircraft Flasher Green Mesh Single Pulse 2sec 2.9 7.01.2018 17:06:11 7.5 kB
<kuid2:60238:1000034:1> #60238 mesh Aircraft Flasher Red Mesh Single Pulse 2sec 2.9 7.01.2018 17:06:11 7.6 kB
Всего связей: 10, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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