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<kuid2:61392:8300:96> Stops and TimeTables manager (TRS22 SP2 and later)

Тип: Правило
Опубликовано: 26.08.2024 2:18:52
Скачиваний: 8
Размер: 187.3 kB


This rule enables to mission codes and the links between mission codes and interlocking paths


images / button_plus.tga 812 B
images / button_up.tga 1.0 kB
images / button_minus.tga 812 B
images / button_down.tga 1.0 kB
images / button_down_old.tga 1.4 kB
images / button_up_old.tga 1.4 kB
images / down_arrow.tga 1.0 kB
images / button_up_old1.tga 1.4 kB
images / button_down_old1.tga 1.4 kB
images / button_cancel.tga 4.0 kB
images / button_ok.tga 4.0 kB
images / jct-lb.jpg 19.8 kB
images / jct-bl-3.jpg 22.2 kB
images / jct-bl.jpg 21.6 kB
images / jct-bf.jpg 22.3 kB
images / jct-br-3.jpg 22.0 kB
images / jct-br.jpg 21.4 kB
images / jct-lb-3.jpg 22.3 kB
images / up_arrow.tga 1.0 kB
images / jct-fb.jpg 22.2 kB
images / jct-rb-3.jpg 22.3 kB
images / jct-rb.jpg 21.5 kB
img / button_cancel.tga 4.0 kB
img / button_ok.tga 4.0 kB
stthelper.gs 10.3 kB
sttrule.tga 12.0 kB
sttrule.gs 38.8 kB
sttrule.jpg 36.9 kB
sttrulehdl.gs 138.5 kB
Общий объём файлов: 481.4 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:61392:8300:96> behavior Stops and TimeTables manager (TRS22 SP2 and later) 5.3 26.08.2024 2:18:52 187.3 kB
<kuid2:61392:8300:91> behavior Stops and TimeTables manager (TRS19 SP4 and later) 4.9 12.05.2023 13:41:50 198.2 kB
<kuid2:61392:8300:75> behavior Stops and TimeTables manager (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 22.10.2023 10:28:10 203.6 kB
<kuid2:61392:8300:70> behavior Stops and TimeTables manager (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 5.06.2020 18:52:31 203.6 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-3:10197> #-3 library ПеременныеСессии 0 2.07.2020 9:39:31 257 B
<kuid2:61392:4007:33> #61392 library Clipboard library (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 22.04.2023 4:05:26 23.5 kB
<kuid2:61392:4050:70> #61392 library Common data library V3 (TRS22 SP2 and later) 5.3 16.01.2024 15:12:35 47.1 kB
<kuid2:61392:4052:11> #61392 library Extended SessionVariables library (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 22.04.2023 4:05:31 54.8 kB
<kuid2:61392:4053:27> #61392 library Named Objects Library (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 19.04.2023 14:51:16 45.6 kB
<kuid2:61392:8290:97> #61392 library MissionCodeLibrary (TRS22 SP2 and later) 5.3 26.08.2024 2:18:46 118.0 kB
<kuid2:61392:8311:91> #61392 scenery MC - PathStop (TRS19 SP4 and later) 4.9 12.05.2023 13:42:00 21.5 kB
Всего связей: 7, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:61392:8322:70> #61392 drivercommand AutoDriveWithMCTimeTable (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 5.06.2020 18:53:06 57.8 kB
<kuid2:61392:8322:72> #61392 drivercommand AutoDriveWithMCTimeTable (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 20.10.2021 1:25:54 57.8 kB
<kuid2:61392:8322:76> #61392 drivercommand AutoDriveWithMCTimeTable (TRS19 SP4 and later) 4.9 12.05.2023 13:42:47 58.9 kB
<kuid2:61392:8330:70> #61392 drivercommand SetMCTimeTable (TANE SP4 and later) 4.5 5.06.2020 18:52:28 43.2 kB
<kuid2:61392:8330:73> #61392 drivercommand SetMCTimeTable (TRS19 SP4 and later) 4.9 12.05.2023 13:43:08 43.2 kB


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