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<kuid2:44700:38515:3> DHR Trk Grey Grass Slope

Тип: track
Опубликовано: 17.07.2020 19:24:39
Скачиваний: 37
Размер: 306.5 kB


2' Narrow gauge track (50lb.) 3D ties/rails with vertical walls. Made for the Darjeeling project (http://darjeelingtrainz.com) using the mesh-reduce technique to help in frame use - 1m long. Mesh made by Linda Irene Tingvik and modified by Narrowgauge


dhr_image.jpg 28.1 kB
gridmesh10.bmp 48.1 kB
gridmesh10.texture.txt 33 B
mixed grass2.texture.txt 35 B
mixed grass2.tga 4.5 kB
mixed grass222.tga 192.5 kB
mixed grass3.texture.txt 35 B
mixed grass3.tga 49.0 kB
mixed grass4.texture.txt 35 B
mixed grass4.tga 193.0 kB
ng2_trk_wall_grey_slope.im 7.5 kB
rail.texture.txt 27 B
rail.tga 3.5 kB
tie.texture.txt 26 B
tie.tga 12.5 kB
tiesdirt.texture.txt 31 B
tiesdirt.tga 96.5 kB
Общий объём файлов: 635.6 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:44700:38515:3> track DHR Trk Grey Grass Slope 2.8 17.07.2020 19:24:39 306.5 kB

kuid author kind name build date size

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:44700:810000:5> #44700 map Darjeeling Himalayan Ry TS12 Orig 2.9 27.08.2024 4:36:13 11.3 MB
<kuid2:44700:810000:7> #44700 map Darjeeling Himalayan Ry TS12 Orig 3.6 27.08.2024 3:34:40 11.3 MB


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