US/Canadian type, high tension power, wire connecting splines. For connecting between 2 end poles or for spur lines. Ends have insulators/arms but NO end poles, there ARE divider poles for longer spans exceeding 60 metres. The HT wires are high voltage that varies between 13kv and 23kv. These models are very accurate in dimensions, and these ones are all 12 metres high (approx 40ft) which is the correct height for these lines, but the height is adjustable, and adjust the height down if used as a spur line. In Surveyor, Objects Panel/Splines under USA, Power/Utility Poles, is where to locate them. These models and textures were created with Discreet's GMAX and Paint Shop Pro programs. Tested on an Athlon 2400XP, with ATI Radeon with latest drivers, WinXP, and TRS2004, June 2004.