<kuid2:39745:4298:13> SI_Sig_Tb parts mesh library
Тип: mesh
Опубликовано: 18.10.2021 19:38:14
Скачиваний: 831
Размер: 34.3 MB
Slovenske železnice - SŽ - Slovenian Railways
pricakuj predsignal stari pps = tabla, pps100, 200, 300 = oznake
pricakuj predsignal novi ppn = tabla, ppn100, 200, 300 = oznake
pricakuj sprememebo hitrosti pshs = steber, psh20, psh30, psh40, psh50, psh60, psh70, psh80, psh90 = oznake
sprememeba hitrosti shs=steber, sh20, sh30, sh40, sh50, sh60, sh70, sh80, sh90, sh100 = oznake
medtirnični plug plus=steber, dvigni, stisni, dvignistisni, preklic = oznake
Licence: (C) by Darko Pahič Szabo aka 'buci' - Free for non commercial use
dvigni.trainzmesh |
9.5 kB |
dvigni_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
dvigni.fbx |
30.4 kB |
dvigni_n.png |
536.9 kB |
dvigni_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
dvigni_a.png |
1.1 MB |
dvigni_p.png |
814.2 kB |
dvigni_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
dvignistisni.trainzmesh |
27.7 kB |
dvignistisni.fbx |
54.2 kB |
dvignistisni_a.png |
1.1 MB |
dvignistisni_a.texture.txt |
37 B |
dvignistisni_n.png |
524.8 kB |
dvignistisni_n.texture.txt |
64 B |
dvignistisni_p.png |
836.1 kB |
dvignistisni_p.texture.txt |
65 B |
plus.fbx |
21.1 kB |
plus.trainzmesh |
1.9 kB |
plus_a.png |
1.0 MB |
plus_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
plus_n.png |
453.4 kB |
plus_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
plus_p.png |
516.8 kB |
plus_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
ppn.fbx |
146.2 kB |
ppn100.fbx |
30.0 kB |
ppn100.trainzmesh |
11.3 kB |
ppn100_a.png |
8.5 kB |
ppn.trainzmesh |
140.9 kB |
ppn100_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
ppn100_n.png |
194.7 kB |
ppn100_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
ppn100_p.png |
70.5 kB |
ppn100_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
ppn200.trainzmesh |
12.7 kB |
ppn200.fbx |
32.7 kB |
ppn200_a.png |
167.6 kB |
ppn200_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
ppn200_n.png |
923.0 kB |
ppn200_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
ppn200_p.png |
500.7 kB |
ppn200_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
ppn300.fbx |
35.6 kB |
ppn300.trainzmesh |
14.1 kB |
ppn300_a.png |
163.2 kB |
ppn300_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
ppn300_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
ppn300_n.png |
498.2 kB |
ppn300_p.png |
371.3 kB |
ppn300_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
ppn_a.png |
551.9 kB |
ppn_a.texture.txt |
28 B |
ppn_n.png |
508.8 kB |
ppn_n.texture.txt |
55 B |
ppn_p.png |
807.8 kB |
ppn_p.texture.txt |
47 B |
pps.fbx |
146.2 kB |
pps.trainzmesh |
140.7 kB |
pps100.fbx |
25.8 kB |
pps100.trainzmesh |
9.9 kB |
pps100_a.png |
576.9 kB |
pps100_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
pps100_n.png |
205.9 kB |
pps100_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
pps100_p.png |
211.8 kB |
pps100_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
pps200.fbx |
25.8 kB |
pps200.trainzmesh |
9.9 kB |
pps200_a.png |
607.9 kB |
pps200_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
pps200_n.png |
205.9 kB |
pps200_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
pps200_p.png |
211.8 kB |
pps200_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
pps300.fbx |
25.8 kB |
pps300.trainzmesh |
9.9 kB |
pps300_a.png |
620.6 kB |
pps300_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
pps300_n.png |
205.9 kB |
pps300_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
pps300_p.png |
211.8 kB |
pps300_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
pps_a.png |
500.1 kB |
pps_a.texture.txt |
28 B |
pps_n.png |
414.1 kB |
pps_n.texture.txt |
55 B |
pps_p.png |
748.8 kB |
pps_p.texture.txt |
47 B |
preklic.fbx |
27.9 kB |
preklic.trainzmesh |
8.0 kB |
preklic_a.png |
1.0 MB |
preklic_a.texture.txt |
32 B |
preklic_n.png |
518.1 kB |
preklic_n.texture.txt |
59 B |
preklic_p.png |
634.9 kB |
preklic_p.texture.txt |
55 B |
psh20.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh20.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh20_a.png |
170.2 kB |
psh20_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh20_n.png |
43.4 kB |
psh20_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh20_p.png |
90.9 kB |
psh20_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
psh30.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh30.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh30_a.png |
239.6 kB |
psh30_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh30_n.png |
48.0 kB |
psh30_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh30_p.png |
91.8 kB |
psh30_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
psh40.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh40.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh40_a.png |
190.2 kB |
psh40_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh40_n.png |
46.5 kB |
psh40_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh40_p.png |
92.1 kB |
psh40_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
psh50.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh50.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh50_a.png |
219.9 kB |
psh50_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh50_n.png |
46.4 kB |
psh50_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh50_p.png |
91.5 kB |
psh50_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
psh60.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh60.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh60_a.png |
214.2 kB |
psh60_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh60_n.png |
44.5 kB |
psh60_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh60_p.png |
91.3 kB |
psh60_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
psh70.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh70.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh70_a.png |
196.7 kB |
psh70_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh70_n.png |
47.5 kB |
psh70_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh70_p.png |
91.8 kB |
psh70_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
psh80.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh80.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh80_a.png |
191.9 kB |
psh80_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh80_n.png |
45.3 kB |
psh80_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh80_p.png |
91.3 kB |
psh80_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
psh90.fbx |
28.9 kB |
psh90.trainzmesh |
10.4 kB |
psh90_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
psh90_n.png |
43.4 kB |
psh90_a.png |
169.6 kB |
psh90_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
psh90_p.png |
90.9 kB |
psh90_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
pshs.fbx |
82.5 kB |
pshs.trainzmesh |
73.9 kB |
pshs_a.png |
199.2 kB |
pshs_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
pshs_n.png |
368.2 kB |
pshs_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
pshs_p.png |
446.4 kB |
pshs_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh100.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh100.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh100_a.texture.txt |
30 B |
sh100_a.png |
438.5 kB |
sh100_n.png |
152.7 kB |
sh100_n.texture.txt |
57 B |
sh100_p.png |
341.9 kB |
sh100_p.texture.txt |
51 B |
sh20.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh20.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh20_a.png |
328.0 kB |
sh20_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh20_n.png |
132.3 kB |
sh20_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh20_p.png |
330.1 kB |
sh20_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh30.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh30.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh30_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh30_n.png |
151.6 kB |
sh30_a.png |
476.8 kB |
sh30_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh30_p.png |
341.0 kB |
sh30_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh40.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh40.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh40_a.png |
535.8 kB |
sh40_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh40_n.png |
150.3 kB |
sh40_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh40_p.png |
339.2 kB |
sh40_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh50.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh50.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh50_a.png |
552.2 kB |
sh50_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh50_n.png |
151.6 kB |
sh50_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh50_p.png |
343.8 kB |
sh50_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh60.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh60.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh60_a.png |
411.6 kB |
sh60_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh60_n.png |
146.9 kB |
sh60_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh60_p.png |
339.0 kB |
sh60_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh70.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh70.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh70_a.png |
395.0 kB |
sh70_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh70_n.png |
153.5 kB |
sh70_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh70_p.png |
340.3 kB |
sh70_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh80.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh80.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh80_a.png |
429.4 kB |
sh80_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh80_n.png |
163.6 kB |
sh80_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh80_p.png |
345.6 kB |
sh80_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
sh90.fbx |
27.8 kB |
sh90.trainzmesh |
10.1 kB |
sh90_a.png |
616.2 kB |
sh90_a.texture.txt |
29 B |
sh90_n.png |
164.5 kB |
sh90_n.texture.txt |
56 B |
sh90_p.png |
349.6 kB |
sh90_p.texture.txt |
49 B |
shs.fbx |
82.9 kB |
shs.trainzmesh |
73.1 kB |
shs_a.png |
327.2 kB |
shs_a.texture.txt |
28 B |
shs_n.png |
209.8 kB |
shs_n.texture.txt |
55 B |
shs_p.png |
462.9 kB |
shs_p.texture.txt |
47 B |
stisni.fbx |
42.1 kB |
stisni.trainzmesh |
18.5 kB |
stisni_a.png |
1.0 MB |
stisni_a.texture.txt |
31 B |
stisni_n.png |
518.3 kB |
stisni_n.texture.txt |
58 B |
stisni_p.png |
815.2 kB |
stisni_p.texture.txt |
53 B |
thumbnail.jpg |
11.9 kB |
Общий объём файлов: |
35.5 MB |
Версии элемента:
kuid |
kind |
name |
build |
date |
size |
<kuid2:39745:4298:13> |
mesh |
SI_Sig_Tb parts mesh library |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 19:38:14 |
34.3 MB |
kuid |
author |
kind |
name |
build |
date |
size |
Нет |
Зависимые элементы:
kuid |
author |
kind |
name |
build |
date |
size |
<kuid2:39745:4050:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_SiG_Tb_Snowplow Raise the thrower,... |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:45 |
12.7 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4052:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_SiG_Tb_Snowplow Squeeze the wings |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:33 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4054:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_SiG_Tb_Snowplow Raise the thrower |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:33 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4056:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_SiG_Tb_Snowplow Restriction revoked |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:33 |
12.7 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4070:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 80km/h |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 20:02:22 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4071:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 70km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:01 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4072:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 60km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:01 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4073:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 50km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:02 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4074:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 40km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:02 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4075:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 30km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:02 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4076:11> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 20km/h |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 20:02:22 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4077:10> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect speed change to 90km/h |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 20:02:22 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4080:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 80km/h |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 20:02:10 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4081:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 70km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:26:40 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4082:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 60km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:26:40 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4083:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 50km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:26:39 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4084:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 40km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:26:40 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4085:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 30km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:02 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4086:13> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 20km/h |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 20:02:09 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4087:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 90km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:02 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4088:10> |
#39745 |
mospeedboard |
SI_Sig_Tb_Speed 100km/h |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:02 |
12.5 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4205:11> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect distant signal 100m old, right |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:17 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4206:11> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect distant signal 200m old, right |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 20:02:22 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4207:11> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect distant signal 300m old, right |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:17 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4215:1> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect distant signal 100m new, right |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:02 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4216:1> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect distant signal 200m new, right |
4.6 |
20.10.2021 1:27:17 |
12.6 kB |
<kuid2:39745:4217:1> |
#39745 |
scenery |
SI_Sig_Tb_Expect distant signal 300m new, right |
4.6 |
18.10.2021 20:02:22 |
12.6 kB |
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