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<kuid:1854:53174> VR 2pos sem FT Bracket Timber T1 LHS

Тип: buildable
Опубликовано: 15.03.2020 22:28:56
Скачиваний: 33
Размер: 59.2 kB


VR 2 Position Semaphore Signals - Fixed Track Bracket Timber Mast (Type 1) LHS
From approximately 1890, the Victorian Railways adopted a 'GNR' (Great Northern Railway, UK) Somersault style semaphore signal, produced by McKenzie and Holland. These signals eventually covered much of the country, and suburban, network, with a very small number still in use on the network today (including some still in use at Frankston). There were, however, many design changes over their lifetime, including different mast designs (including timber, lattice and 'scalean'), and different 'distant' signal designs. As part of the VR's signaling, there were also 'disc' signals for shunting, many of which were mounted on masts for visibility.

This set of VR 2 Position Somersault Semaphore signals covers a range of generic signals, including 3 different major mast types, various bracket and junction signals, and various disc and home signal combinations. Also included as some example of custom placed signals for specific yards (mostly those intended for the Healesville line). All junction signals are controlled by the 'Sig T' objects created by Bloodnok.

This model represents a timber mast bracket signal, without dolls, for double track, placed on the left hand side of the track.

Much thanks goes to Jerker and JetStreamSky for the original VR semaphore signals. Although these meshes are essentially new built, they are still based upon models by Jerker and JetStreamsky.

Also much thanks to Bloodnok for his signal scripts and extensive assistance with their setup, without which this project would not have been possible.

These signals are very similar to those used in New Zealand, Great Britain, and also on some other railways in Australia (e.g. the Emu Bay Railway in Tasmania).


$screenshot$.jpg 67.6 kB
Общий объём файлов: 67.6 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid:1854:53174> buildable VR 2pos sem FT Bracket Timber T1 LHS 2.9 15.03.2020 22:28:56 59.2 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:1854:53100:1> #1854 Unknown
<kuid2:103475:38160:1> #103475 track VR BG Wood 2.9 5.02.2015 18:33:13 6.2 MB
<kuid:103475:60011> #103475 mesh vr fixed track arrow - blue 2.4 24.06.2020 11:47:26 5.7 kB
Всего связей: 3, неизвестных связей: 1

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size


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