This wagon was designed in the 1920's by NSWR for it's railway, at the time the NSWR was requiring a larger cargo carrying wagon than the S Wagon, The prototype made by NSWR could carry 20tons MAX, but when the wagin had gone into proper production this had gone upto 24tons MAX.
The U Wagon is the second highest wagon to be made in NSW after the S wagon, in the early 1930's some of the wagons had been converted to a steel bottom, but this was soon changed back to the wooken bottom as the steel would quickly rust and fall out.
While the above is correct for NSWR U wagon's, During the 1922 and 1928 building period of U wagon's, There was also another basic rolling stock wagon made as well based upon the U wagon design, this was the K wagon, the major differances between the U and K wagon's was the U wagon had 8 bottom discharge hoppers, and the K wagon only had a wooden floor.
This model is based upon the 1922 to 1928 version of the K wagon, you will notice some changes compared to that of the U wagon, the most visable changes are the pressed out doors and the pressed out ends, there were two slightly different K wagons made over the whole building period, one was the pressed end wagon the other was the dreadnought end wagon, the pressed was the orginal type wagon the dreadnought being the older type.
You will also note the slightly changed door holders and the handles as other changes.