This wagon was designed in the 1920's by NSWGR for it's railway, at the time the NSWGR was requiring a larger cargo carrying wagon than the S Wagon, The prototype made by NSWGR could carry 20 tons MAX, but when the wagon had gone into proper production this had gone up to 24 tons MAX.
The U Wagon is the second highest wagon to be made in NSW after the S wagon, in the early 1930's some of the wagons had been converted to a steel bottom, but this was soon changed back to the wooden bottom as the steel would quickly rust and fall out.
Also at this time, some of the U Wagons were being converted to handle other more important jobs than just carrying coal, chaff, and other powder and non-powder goods. Some of these conversions were to flat top for carrying tractors and cargo boxes, there are also water carrying U Wagons as well, some people may remember the RU type wagons more so than the straight U Wagons as the U Wagon in their standard format, had been slowly converted or scrapped in the 1940's to 1950's with most either living on as a converted wagon or left to the side as a disused wagon just holding whatever was left in them.
I have tried to make this as close as possible to the prototype U Wagon as in the 1930's when the U Wagons were getting re-fitted out there were some updates done that changed the general look of the wagon.