This model was Created by me in Sketchup. This is one of many structures found in Northern Michigan from the 1840's to the to the present day. This model May change...and/or be updated over time as my skills in using google sketchup improves so you should clone it if you don't want it to change. I will try to keep the size and footprint of the structure the same.
You may do anything you want with this model, no restrictions. And in an attempt to get organized...
Author Notes; YR=Your Route, TS=Trackside, IOI=Iron Ore Industry. Everything is subject to change as I progress. When ever I mention Maddy, it's for Maddy25 textures to mate her assets.
Model notes; More colors makes the world go round. Typical conveyors won't stand up to the processing of iron ore, that's why the cars are so small....they are so heavy. So I got banned by OHSA for my cheap conveyors. These reinforeced conveyers will haul the metal.